Chapter 31: The Only Thing He Can't Give

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She looked at the paper but couldn't comprehend what she was seeing...

January 2, 1916





100 almost 101... but... but...

Frantically Maine, looked at Richard then back at the paper that says, he is 100 years old. That can't be... It must be a mistake, an error in writi--...

She stopped what she was thinking about. The Birth Certificate was a bit weird. It was not the one she was accustomed to. His was a form which has information written by hand. It was too outdated, too old... maybe its not Richard's....

She quickly looked at Richard and saw his sincere but sad eyes... regret could be seen flashing in them as he saw her shock and confusion.

As if reading her unspoken thoughts, he answered them with a sad smile.

"That is mine... and yes, technically, as stated there, I am 100 years old. But my kind doesn't exist that way."

Richard came near her and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Seeing her look of confusion, he explained further.

"We live in a dimetion, with no concept of time. We walk through dreams and travel through time. I never venture in the future but can go back to the past. But back and forth through time often drains me so I usually stay during the time frame of my current mission. We don't have ages. We have levels."

"I-I am j-just a mission?"

"No, my Love, I was currently with a mission when I was drawn to you. You had the same time frame" Richard smiled gently, trying to ease her confusion. He was about to weave his hand when...

"NO!!! I know you want to use your powers, but I am ok. Its just too much to take in at once."

At Richard's hurt look on her rejection for him to help her, she placed a gentle but quick kiss on his lips.

"I am truly fine..." then she remembered something from what he said...

"You said you don't have ages just levels... How does that work?"

"Come here, we should sit on the bed if we are going to talk. This might be a while so let's get comfortable."

Placing Maine's head on his shoulders he began

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Placing Maine's head on his shoulders he began...

"Toddlers as early as 4 ( that is counting in your years ) can be taught Basics. They are given information and taught to control dreams. Beginners or pre-teens are those who had information and being taught to practice their powers to children in your dimention. They are sometimes called guardian angels by humans. But they are not." Richard smiled.

"So there are no guardian angels?"

"No! I didn't say that... I have felt beings aside from us with good auras. Maybe those are the guardian angels. Sometime I feel them work beside us, helping us through a mission."

"After the Beginners?" She prompted

"Crawlers.." at Maine's frown, he laughed.

" No, that's true! Crawlers, which are in their early to late teens, are trained to do their mission in stealth. Unlike Beginners which are sometimes seen, Crawlers must be discreet. Crawlers are sometime called Shades but it had a bad reputation so we stuck to Crawlers. Then the DreamWalkers, this level, we are trained to our full potential. Making our special powers stand out. Last is the Elders. These are the leaders of our people. Very few survive to this level since most have soulmates to protect during the Walker stage..." He sighed sadly, remembering his father.

Trying to distract Richard, she looked at him in the eyes and teased him...

"So what now, my dearest Lolo (grandfather), what do we do now?" She smiled her naughty teasing smile.

Richard laughed at her silliness... he flicked the tip of her nose and kissed it.

"That's up to you my love, since you are afraid your parents might hate me if I tell them the truth. Its all up to you..."

Maine cuddled up to him, listening to his heartbeat... This is hard... choosing between her family and Richard. As much as she wants to be truthful to her family, she must make the best decision for all of them.

She sighed... then sat up. Automatically Richard followed suit. Maine took his hands in hers and clasped them together. Then took a deep breath...

" can I call you that? Or Raej?"

Richard smiled...

"Chad... that nickname would be special just like the person calling me that... nobody else calls me Chad... only you"

Maine's eyes glowed with happiness...

"Chad, as much as I wanted my family to share my happiness, I guess I will have to stay away to keep them safe. I just want us to be together, but how?"

Maine got up and paced... brows knitted, thinking hard... a crazy idea has entered her mind. It just might work. Her parents won't be able to separate them if that happens. She went to Chad and hugged him before looking into his eyes saying...

"Can we just elope and have a baby?"

Richard's smile froze as he heard the word baby...

No! His inner voice shouted...

She might die... like his mother when she had him...

He would give her anything within his power to give. But that's the only thing he won't allow her to have... a BABY.

But a whisper of thought had him weak in the knees...




Author's Note:

Hmmmmmm... yeah right... you do it like rabbits in heat then now you think about using protection... tsk, tsk, tsk! 😒

So what happens if Maine becomes pregnant?

What other problems will they encounter?

What if Kronos/Kyle and Nnaeluj shows up again???

Aaaarrrrggghhhh! So may problems, when will these end?

Thanks to my dear readers who continuously votes and comments. Please do leave a comment in each chapter. It really encourages me to update and do better. 😊

Love you guys


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