Man of my Dreams

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Happiness surrounded her like cool breeze she's feeling... Strange but she found herself in a garden with cherryblossom floating around, it was night time. A full moon cast its light as she walked to one of the trees that produces those pretty cherryblossoms. She tried to catch some that are falling to the ground when she felt a presence... 

"Richard..."  she whispered with a smile... She turned and found him a few feet from her.

"Where are we? I was surprised to find myself here. Its so beautiful here, it seems so... so... magical" She twirled around and danced towards him.

"I'm glad you liked it my Love, I made it specially for you.." He gracefully sidestepped her advances and blew her a kiss...

But she got distracted by his words...
"Made specially for me? How? Where are we? Can I hold your hand?"

"My Love, tomorrow your mother will bring you to a safe and secure place. It is there we will be able to see each other more, that is if you really want it to be... For now you have to be contented with just seeing but not touching..."

"But why Richard? Why can't I touch you now? Please... please can I hold your hand?  I'm getting scared..."

"Hush now my Love, you will be fine. You are safe here with me." Richard smiled at her, which bought a bit of peace. Still she wants her question answered.

"But where is HERE?" She insisted, determined to get some answers.

Richard sighed, seeing the determined look on her face, it seems he could not avoid telling her any longer.

"My Love, this may come as something unbelievable, and I had wanted to tell you when you get to know me better. Can we do that please?" Richard implored, buying for more time. He knew that if she found out she may be repulsed or worse afraid of him.

"No! I need to know now... Where are we? And how can you MAKE this kind of place?"

Then she looked at him pleadingly "Please... you have become my sanity and solace.. I need to know more about you... please..."

Richard heaved a sigh, he couldn't say no to her... He just wish she would accept calmly the things she's going to hear.

Richard looked into her eyes, then smiled that bedimpled smile of his, hoping it would calm her...

Maine, my Love you are dreaming, and we are in your dream."

Maine looked at him with confussion...

"We are in my dream? But is this real?"

"Yes, my Love, we are and this conversation is real."

"But how??? How can we be talking in my dreams?"

Richard suddenly glowed. Yes he is glowing.

Maine thought... How could that be?

He seemed to hear her unspoken question as he answered it with a smile and a single sentence:

"Because my Love, I am a DREAM WALKER.."

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