Chapter 22: Darkness Revealed

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Author's Note:

You will encounter a different being in this chapter. A being who embraced the Darkness.

If Dreamwalkers are of the light and sworn to heal and help. There is the other side of the coin, so to speak. The ones who succumb to the Darkness. The Dream Revenants.

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Lightheaded and weak

I felt like a puppet on strings. Being pulled to whichever the puppet master wants. My mind is filled with cotton and air. An empty chamber with only one voice echoing within...


I have no will of my own. My decisions are blown by the wind. Out of reach... Fickle and swept away like dandelions blown by a stray wind. There is someone I need to call... Someone who will help me and protect me... but..I...I can't recall who...

"R-... uh... r-...Ri---aaaaahhhhrgh!"

No, Kyle... Noooooo!


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Kyle's POV:

"Damn, She's strong willed."

Kyle has used a considerable amount of power but still she fights.
And saying he used a considerable amount is saying something.

He is one of the more powerful Dark Revenants, able to bend wills of a person to hos satisfaction.

Maine may be a lightweight but still has a will of a wrestler. He met Maine at a function he was attending which both Maine and him were invited.  Drawn to her by the abundant aura she posesses. He befriended her and wooed her. Eventually beacme her boyfriend.

The aura is supposed to be an indicator of a strong life force. As a Dream Revenant, he feeds on life force to increase his strength and power. Usually male revenants feed on females because feeding through a kiss brings forth sexual feeling, not unlike sexual intercourse.

Feeding on Maine (kissing) has been his source of daily strength and powers... but she has been weakening lately so I had to stop kissing her to avoid draining her.

But Nnaeluj happened...

She was... let's say, persuasive in her approach. A young but powerful revenant, sultry in her approach is like a balm to my starving nature. She proposed a trade...

A trade that backfired because Maine saw Nnaeluj and I exchanging powers through kissing...


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