Chapter 25: Reasons and Issues

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Damn, that hurts...

His sudden movement, sitting upright, sent a piercing pain on his brain.

Of course its painful, you dolt, you've drained yourself again...

Breathing heavily from the sudden pain, he gingerly surveyed his room and was alarmed by the flashing red light.

Oh heavens, Maine!

Ignoring the pulsing pain he felt, he stumbled to reach his monitors. Weaving his hand, it was then he saw her pitifuly slumped form. Pale, so pale...

How did this happened?

Searching for clues, there is only one person that would do this...


But his face registered confusion as he looked at his monitor... Maine with a man... Kyle...

The man she used to love...

He felt pain in the vicinity of his heart.

Did she forgive him?

Then he saw it... and couldnt belive his eyes...

As Kyle kissed Maine, his face morphed into someone different... and he felt the hair on his nape rise...

It's Kronos...

What should he do first? His hand shook as he gathered his powers... He needs to stop by the main crystal chamber to replenish. Then he must find Maine. He then placed a protection spell in his chamber and left.

Rushing to go he had not noticed that someone was watching him leave his chamber and notified Kyle about it

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Rushing to go he had not noticed that someone was watching him leave his chamber and notified Kyle about it.


Ah! Sweet revenge...

She smiled when she saw the frail looking woman, too weak to sit on her own, propped aganst the wall.

"So Kronos... have you had your fill of her lifeforce?" 

Left eyebrow arched as she prodded the weak girl that almost fell over, hadn't Kyle extended his arm to prevent it.

"You still harbor feelings for her?" She smirked.

"No! But then you told me to keep her alive." Kyle said defensively.

"Well that IS true... but I needed her BARELY alive. Or should we say...ALMOST DEAD..."

When she saw Kyle flinch, she laughed... that evil laugh that went on and on, echoing in your ears.

"Oh, Kronos.... tsk tsk...  what a waste of revenant powers you have, if you are like that... you have a great blood flowing in your veins, use it to your advantage. If I had that kind of advantage, I would certainly use it dear..."

Nnaeluj came close teasing him, her mouth an inch away from his. Hands roaming his chest. Kronos' breath hitched and Nnaeluj closed the gap of their lips. Lifeforce he had just taken from Maine flowed from his lips to Nnaeluj.


Kronos/Kyle twisted away from her. Breaking the flow of lifeforce.

"You said you wanted Maine, there she is. I just needed her lifeforce to add to my powers. It wasn't in the agreement that you will take some from me... Go and take her away."

Kronos turned and walked away... He just wanted his father to take him back, he just wanted his father to be proud of him and his newly aquired powers.

He never intended to hurt Maine. Or...


He used to be a playmate and a friend... a fellow neglected child by their fathers...

At least Raejild was not abused... Until he was asked to be mentored to increase his powers... but he, Kronos, was ignored and has been left out. That started the hatred and he decided to turn revenant. If his father did not see to it that he was trained, he would gain powers on his own... Being a revenant is his answer.

He would show his father that he could do it on his own...

He is Kronos, the son of an elder.

He should have been Raejild's equal, if not more...

He is the son of Triadne.


Raejild has finished replenishing his strength and checked his monitor...

His face lost its color upon what he saw...

Kronos and Nnaeluj exchanging powers...

Maine beyond pale slumped at a corner...

Kronos waking away...

Nnaeluj bringing Maine to an unknown place left for dead with a red rose upon her hand...

No! Nooooooo!!!!!

No! Nooooooo!!!!!

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Author's note:

An update at the middle of the week!

I just want to make it up to you guys for the short chappy last weekend.

And also if you forgot who Triadne is, he is the friend of Richard/Raejild's father, Omniad. They are both Elders.

So the plot thickens...

We knew that Nnaeluj was... uh FRIENDZONED 😂😂😂
And now we know what Kyle's issue is about.

Enjoy and dont forget to vote and comment...
Seriously, I like reading them...


I do my own picture edits. But it would save me some time if you would like to submit some... it would be awesome... credits would be given 😊

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