Chapter 18: The Phantom

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She's gone...

Richard closed his eyes in anguish. Before entering the house he sensed that something was wrong... something not in sync with everything. Did he let her down again? She got dissapointed and left?

He blew out a heavy sigh. He needs to know where she is, but he also needs to conserve his powers since he already used it to make his gift and his little tantrum earlier. His eyes glowed as he scanned the room. She was not kidnapped, that much he knows. No.. she just left. Sighing in defeat, he scanned the room for the last time...

Richard... please find me...

The glow suddenly left his eyes...

Maine, she wants me to find her...

Suddenly filled with eagerness, Richard went near the sea. Nature can provide him with litle extra energy when needed.

Looking around making sure there is no one to see him, he closed his eyes. An aura appeared around him, surrounding him with lightning-like energy, opening himself up he filled himself with energy just enough to have him get around quicker. He can't fully charge himself without crystals to filter the energy. Too dangerous and besides he's outside, easily exposed.

Making sure he has the crystal, his gift to MaIne, he took it out from his pocket.

Making sure he has the crystal, his gift to MaIne, he took it out from his pocket

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I will find you, Maine. I'm going to protect you at all cost.


Anne kept calling her daughter Coleen during their drive back home but she won't answer.

"Mom, just focus on driving... We wìll be there soon."

Maine was worried. Why won't her sisters answer their phone. Finally they arrive at their gate, the security opening it for them. They got the shock of their lives when Maine's dad Teddy, came out of the house in smiles. Confused Maine and her mom came out of the car...

"Honey, are you ok???" Anna asked, staring at Teddy in confussion.

"Of course! And very happy too now that both of you are here." Teddy answered hugging mother and daughter...

"But dad, Coleen called mom and told her something happened to you... we were so worried during the drive here..."

"Oh baby, how can your sister call your mom when she lost her phone 2 days ago, she's going to the Network center to have it replaced."

Seeing both their confused faces, Teddy led them inside the house.

"Now let's all go inside so you can rest, have you eaten? No? Then you must eat... Yaya Pepe, can you prepare something for them to eat ?"

Taking both their hands in his and kissing both mother and daughter.

"Now you must eat and rest, I must go to the office."

Maine looked at her mom as her dad left...

"Mom, what happened?"

"I don't know, Baby, I don't know..."


Maine flopped in her bed sleepy and exhausted. But as she lay there, she felt something that made her skin come up with goosebumps. She felt as if someone was watching her. It was creepy, as if it was just there, staring at her. She slowly sat up and spied a shadow near her closet.

She felt as if she became paralyzed in fear. Heart pounding rapidly, She painstakingly tried to push herself on the headboard clutching a pillow.  Bam-bam, bam-bam... her heart pounded. It felt as if it will come out of her chest.

Then the shadow moved...

And she opened her mouth to scream...


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