Chapter Eleven: You're Not The Only One That Died Last Night Pt. 2

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*Ash's POV*

I ran through the hallways of Pierce Harbor Academy I had to find him.

I needed to see him, To see if he was okay?

I looked above me the lights of the school flickered in distress. 

Electricity in the ceiling lights cosuming me, it didn't stop me from runnning.

Was he dead? 

He couldn't be? He can't be.


Serena wasn't the only one who "died" last night but so did Sabrina.

My heart dropped, I can't Imagine how Luke's family must feel and Dean I'm sure he liked her, I can't Imagine how he feels.

Weirdly I just wanted to hug Dean and comfort him, but that wasn't an open possibility.

My head started to hurt, Luke's party was a disaster.

I was snapped from my worry-full headache as Ms.Clence started her Anatomy lesson.

"Alright class today we'll be learning about Cranial Nerves and how they relate to the Somatic and Autonomic nervous systems, can anyone name some of the anatomy under both systems?" 


Anatomy year one was a piece of cake, why was I here?

I needed to know where Naomi was and if Dean was okay.

"Mr.Cole would you like to answer the pending question, you seem very pensive, which means you must know, unless perhaps you're not paying attention"

was she dumb, we just started the lesson, I swear.

I rolled my eyes and answered "The Somatic system is made up the skeletal muscles, nerves that connect to the skin and lastly all sensory organs, whilst the Autonomic system is made up of unconscious regulation of bodily functions such as digestive processes" I gave her a smirk of annoyance.

"Good at least someone does their reading, lets continue" she went back to the board and started writing a bunch of easy crap, I had already memorized.

The bell finally rung and first period was over, time to find Naomi.

I dashed out of the classroom going straight to Naomi's second period, what can I say.. she was one of my bestfriends I've memorized her schedule.

She had Psychology for second which wasn't far from Ms.Clence's class, I turned a few corners and saw the door of Ms.Greendale the Psychology teacher open and students entering.

I walked towards the classroom and peeked inside, I scanned the room, a bunch of students giving me weird looks until I was met with a dirty blond with a pair of brown eyes that stuck me to my core, giving me weird chills, it was Kol. 

I wanted to say that the chills were out of fear and some of them were but most of those chills were of sexual tension.

A tension deep within me.

I shook my head and quickly left the classroom breaking the gaze between me and him. 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck.

Where the fuck are you Naomi?

"Wait!, Hold up!" I heard Kol scream behind me, I didn't let his alluring voice affect me I just kept walking.

Quickly I felt him grab my hand turning me around and making me collide with his chest.

I looked up at him his dirty blond hair that hung over, with a 90s style.

It remined me of Dicaprio's hair when he was younger.

He looked lovely, I watched as he bit his lip.

Every inch of me wanted to kiss those lips, I wanted to taste them, but I couldn't.

I pushed him off steping away.

He frowned at the action.

"What do you want Kol?" I said in annoyance, he just stared me down.

"I'm up here Kol" I sassed gesturing to my face.

He looked up at me.

"Your not afraid of me, brave of you" He said shooting me a smirk.

A sexy smirk.

"I mean I have nothing to fear from an arrrogant person like you" I shot back.

"You liked me before you knew about what I was, and now you hate me, is it because of who I am?" He questioned his voice more sincere.

I didn't hate who he was, he couldn't change who he was, I hated how he threatned to expose my secret unless I kept theirs.

I hated how I felt when I looked at him.

I hated how he knew about me before meeting me, meaning he wanted something out of me an was planning on using me, while I was busy falling for him.

It was one night, one party and that night I had already catched feelings for him.

That's what I hated.

"I don't hate you Kol, but you knew before you met me what I was and its clear you were using me and playing with me" I responded looking at his pair of brown eyes, I loved them so much.

Kol was about to speak but was abruptly cut off.

 "Great then we're all on the same page" I heard a cold voice say behind me. 

"Get him"

I tried to fight

but blackness consumed me.


I know this was the shortest chapter but it just a continutation of Part One, I decided to split them up beacuse Part One was getting to long and it was starting to become multiple days in only one chapter. Plus I wanted this chapter to be seperate but still tie into Part One.

This is still Chapter Eleven though.

-xo Noodles

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