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Okay so I have some updates for y'all::

I currently do online schooling and I hate it so much! I'm a junior so this coming year is my last year of high school!!! YAY!!!
I went today to pick up an open enrollment form for a school in another district. I have to get my transcripts, birth certificate and shot records and turn it all in. I called my counselor to ask how I go about getting my transcripts and she never fucking answered so I left a voicemail.

My nephew:
His MRI results came back fine. His biopsies came back fine. He's doing better. He starts counseling soon because he has anger issues and abandonment issues.

I get to go down to Tennessee this summer!!!! I also get to fly out to Arizona with my step sister!!! I am so excited!!! It'll be our first time on a plane.

Ugh. Okay so we've been talking for over 2 months and we talk everyday almost all day too. I help him pick out his clothes and shit.
He goes live on Instagram sometimes and the other night I was at my friend's house and we both had his live pulled up and watching it and I was commenting but he ignored my first 2 comments but he made it obvious that he was ignoring them. So then my friend commented and said "You would be the one to put a shirt on for this." and he said "Of course. I was cold." and she commented and said "You weren't cold when you were texting Lexis" and he read it and smirked. Then this girl commented and said she liked his shirt and he was like "Oh yeah Lexis picked it out. She helps me pick out a lot of things."
During his live videos there are always a bunch of girls being nasty and shit and he told me that I could be a smart ass to them so I was. I was having fun too. So then he put on his hat and another girl commented "I like your hat" and my friend commented "Yeah Lexis picked that out too lol" and she said "No she didn't lol" and I said "Yes I did lol" and he laughed and said "Yeah Lexis picked both of my hats out. She picks out everything for me" and then after his live video one of the girls followed me and then we were all 3 being assholes about something...... It was fun.

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