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My mother said something to me the other night. I kinda figured that it was true before she told me but hearing her say it out loud, to my face just made it that much more real.

I am currently 16. I was born in September of 2000. We have bad family history regarding health issues. Most family members have died of cancer. My uncle died from heart failure. My great grandma died from Cancer and a severe heart attack. My mom already has a heart murmer. She has been having severe head aches as well. My grandma (mom's mom) had a brain aneurysm. Basically a blood clot on the brain. If it bursts the person dies. So she had to go through 8 hour surgery to get the aneurysm removed. There is now a higher chance of it coming back. She found out because she had went to the doctor because she was having severe head aches and medicine wasn't helping. Same thing with my mom. She is afraid to go to the doctor because she said she doesn't want to know something is wrong with her because we are dealing with so much stress already.
    She told me that she is going to get a will made. If she dies before my brother and nephew are 18, I get custody. Which, I figured already. I'm worried because I'll be young and in college. I'll have to worry about moving into an apartment or whatever and moving them closer to my school then having to enroll them into school and worrying about my nephew's health. Jeez
It's a lot to take in. But I told her that I would definitely take on that responsibility because besides my mom, they have nobody else.

We don't have a clue where my sister is. My nephew's father is illegally here from Mexico and doesn't give two shits about him. My brother's dad, whom is also my sister's dad, tried to give up his rights when my brother was born but the judge said no because my mom was not married. He doesn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself and his damn dog. Who is an annoying ankle biter. She yaps constantly. I know because I used to go over to his house with my sister.
... Point is.... If my mother dies before they are 18, I get custody. That is a lot of responsibility that I am willing to take on.

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