Family Drama

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So my mom, brother, nephew and I went over to my grandparent's (mom's dad and step mom) tonight. We were the first there then right after we got there my uncle and aunt and their kids pulled up. I haven't talked to my Uncle in a couple weeks because he is saying that my mom stole a car from him.... Idiot.
No, his friend sold it to my sister but put it in my uncle's name. My sister never got her license and my mom needed a car so he signed it over to my mom and now he says that my mom should have paid him for it.
The car was not his. His friend sold it to my sister. The car was paid for completely by my sister. My sister told my uncle to sign it over to my mom because she had no use for it.
So anyway, it was super awkward because my uncle just sat on the couch on his phone the entire time.
Neither him or my aunt talked to anyone.... My aunt had 1 conversation with my grandma.
Before we ate we were given our stockings. I had 3 giftcards. $10 to Chick Fil A, $25 to Walmart and $50 to Barmes and Noble. I got extra presents this year because I have been taking care of my cousin and nephew.
Anyway, when my brother saw the gift cards he said it wasn't fair that I got so much and my uncle Matt was like "She deserves it! She's done a lot this year!" My cousin Ryan, is his son. So after he said that my uncle Allen mumbled "Whatever" under his breathe.
Then after we opened our presents I was cleaning up the wrapping paper and my mom went into the back room to check her phone and my uncle Allen was like "Hey Bralyn.... Bralyn, where's your mommy at?" Bralyn is my nephew.
I glared at my uncle and my mom yelled and said "Don't fucking ask him that! Who asked that?" I said "Bubby" That's what I call my uncle. Then she yelled "Don't ask him shit like that!" Because really? A grown man asking a 2 year old petty questions like that? Really?

It was funny the whole time too because my grandma would make remarks in front of my aunt and uncle about how I take care of my cousin and nephew all day everyday. It was funny, like she was trying to make it a point that I do a lot to help out. Then before we left my grandma was like "Lexis, do you want some sweets?" I was like "Cookies please" and she dumped the whole tray of cookies into a bag for me in front of my aunt, uncle and cousins! It was pretty funny.
My uncle has always thought he was better than everybody else but yet he talks about everybody behind their backs and his kids are the biggest brats EVER! And no I am not talking behind his back about his children. Everybody knows they are brats and I am very verbal about their brattiness.

If you are not a good person, things can come crashing down in a second.
Karma is a bitch!

The short film that I added is called Removed.
I was introduced to it by 4ever_besties
Go watch it!!! It is amazing!!!
There is a part 2 as well.

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