Fucking Asswipe

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This is why I've stuck with the same crush for almost 9 years. Never allowed myself to get close enough to develop feelings.
He told me straight up that he didn't​ like me and I wanted it like that. We were friends. Harmless flirting here and there. Maybe some cuddling. We had fun together and it was never awkward because we knew I liked him a lot and he didn't like me.

I never allowed myself to get close to another guy because nothing good comes from it.

I let one fucking guy slip through and now he's pulling away and it hurts so much. So much and I want to fucking cry. My friend texted him and he said "I don't want to be a loser and flirt with every girl." There's my confirmation. He talks to other girls. That's all I needed to know.
So..... Instead of him being the one to stop talking to me, I'm going to do what I do best and push people away. I'll stop before he gets the chance. I can't get my heart broken again. It hurts too much.

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