I couldn't

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He said he didn't want me to go. I couldn't ignore him.
I'm his #2 friend on Snapchat. That makes me feel pretty damn good. I love that. I told him he better stop getting awkward on me because he's told me shit and I've told him shit. I told him I have no place to judge. He cannot push me away.

Then my other friend texted me and said "Wish you was mine that's a fact" Like damn dude. I have told him so many times that I love him like a friend. Always have, always will. I got over C finally but only because I finally have someone else to focus on. Not saying we'll ever be together but still.
Gosh, I feel so guilty when he says shit like that because he's liked me for so long and I don't. It makes me feel terrible. I wish it didn't and my friend said that's not bad but I feel like it is.

Boys suck.

This song is because I'm at my friend's house and this is what is playing... So why not?

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