D.I.E.T.Y? Pt. 2

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In 2008 after my dad passed away we have a severe wind storm. Knocked out our power for 14 days! We stayed at my grandma's for most of that time.
I was out of school for 2 weeks. Well, really 3 because it was right after my dad died and I already had a week off.
We had a tent set up in the back yard because I would go in there to be alone and out of the house because I was scared. We lived right next to a corn field and the tent along with everything inside was blown into the corn field. We found it 3 months later, shredded. It took the power company a very long time to get power back to everyone. So many power lines and posts were knocked down. Some fell on houses and cars.
My school set up generators and at leats 150 people were sleeping in the cafeteria because they had no power and no place to go.

In 2009 we had a severe ice storm. Yes, ICE! Power lines everywhere went down. Schools were closed for days. We had no power and again we stayed at my grandma's. My aunt, her 2 kids and her boyfriend lived across the street from us at the time. Their power went out as well and guess where they ended up staying....
My grandma's. My grandma lived in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. My aunt and her boyfriend slept on a air mattress in my grandma's room and my mom slept on my grandma's couch and all 4 of us kids slept on the living room floor while my sister got her own room and own bed. My grandma had custody of my sister and didn't make her share her room.
My grandma ended up kicking my mom, brother and I out after 2 days of staying there. We went back home with no power. We had tons of blankets and all slept in my mom's king bed. My step dad was in jail during this time. For domestic violence. He broke my mom's foot by kicking it so hard. Oh did I forget to mention that he was an MMA fighter? Yeah. He was. Mixed Martial Arts. He is very strong and powerful, physically.

I do have more stories to tell at a later date.
Thank you for sticking with me!
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