"I Haven't...."

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"I haven't...."

I haven't been back. To therapy I mean.
I haven't talked about that day in awhile. It hurts.
I haven't watched the video. My mom did. She told me that he attempted a couple times with different tools. He finally found one that worked. I still have the hook.
I haven't gotten rid of the mental images. They won't go away.

Everyone I talk about him I cry. Sometimes I can hold it in. Other times it's just too much.
People avoid me. When it happened I missed a week of school. I was in 3RD grade. The principal got on the loudspeaker and told the whole school what happened.
When I returned I was bullied and shunned.
"It's all your fault!"
"He hated you!"
"You made him do it!"
I believe them.

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