Oh My Goodness Gracious

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Okay so we were texting yesterday for awhile.
I went to the store with my mom and I got a couple things, including a 40 pack of incense. I sent him a picture of the incense and said "I have an obsession with incense."
Him- "Spooky."
Me- "How so?"
Him- "You probably use them for your satanic rituals."
Me- "You never know."
I was not expecting him to say that at all but I was in the car with my mom and I just started dying and she gave me a weird look and was like
Mom- "Who the fuck are you always texting?"
Me- "A.... Uh... Friend."
Mom- "Who is this friend?"
Me- "Just a friend."

So then he went to the gym and shit and then on his way back he stopped and got 2 pints of gelato. He posted a picture on his story and said "Wish I had someone to share with." and I texted my friend and was like
Me- "The little asshole (he's a fucking giant) got 2 things of gelato and posted on his story that he wishes he had someone to share with."
I had forgotten they added each other on Snapchat...

So like an hour later she texted me and was like "OMG CALL ME LATER IT'S IMPORTANT!" so she does her thing and then at like 10:30 I call her and she goes
Her- "Okay so you know that gelato thing he posted on his story, right?"
Me- "Yeah"
Her- "So I commented and was like "cough Lexis cough" and he said "Yes that would be nice" Can we just appreciate the fact that he said that would be nice?!"
Me- *after like 5 minutes of me stuttering and laughing* "You know how much of an idiot I am?"
Her- "Oh god. What did you do?"
Me- "I was practically giving him dating advice. Because we were talking about his cat and he said 'she's the only female that will sit on my lap' and I was telling him to smile more and look less threatening and girls will like him."
Her- "What is wrong with you?! That was like an invitation for you and you fucked it up!" *laughing so hard*
Me- "I know. I'm an idiot."

So, we talked for awhile and then she had to go to bed and I couldn't because I was just thinking.

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