Sooo...... Snapchat part 2

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I'm still talking to that guy...
I still have not received any dick pictures. Thank fuck.
He's really sweet and funny and gosh....
So..... We have nicknames for each other. He calls me 'Blue Eyes' mostly but also 'Love' 'Midget' and he sent me a video of him singing 'You're a Blue Eyed Leprechaun' and it was so adorable!!!
And I call him.........
Pancakes. Yes, pancakes. He loves Pancakes.
So today he texted me while he was at school. He's a senior and I'm a junior. So he said "Hey there Blue Eyes" and I said "Hey there Pancakes" and then he said "Hi squid" and I said "Hi giant" the whole squid thing is an inside joke and I called him giant because he's like 6'4 and wears size 13 shoes. Holy shit. That's a whole foot and 3 inches taller than me.

So today he went live on Instagram and when he does that it's just a bunch of horny teenage girls that watch and comment. So these girls were commenting "We've never heard you sing!" "What does your singing voice sound like?" "Sing for us!" and he was just like "Nope. I don't sing. For anyone. I sing to myself in my car but nobody else hears me." and I felt kinda special because he has sent me multiple videos of him singing... Like YES BITCHES HE HAS SUNG FOR ME!!
But yeah....
And like.... He lives 2 states away and just like.... I really just do not want to get too attached but.... My friend and my grandma said we are both already attached to each other. My grandma heard the video of him singing that I'm a blue eyed leprechaun and she said it was the sweetest thing ever! They both say he likes me but..... No.

So he randomly texted me the other night and was like "So blue eyes, you know I have family in Ohio, right?" and I live in Ohio and I was like "Um... You do? Where?" and he said "Columbus." and I was like "That's like 2 hours away from me!" and he said "Yep. Sure is." and then we just continued talking and I kinda freaked out because it was so random and I told my grandma and she was like "He is basically saying there is a chance for y'all." and my friend was like "Ask him when he's coming to visit you!" and I was just like... No.

But it's adorable.
He's adorable.
And he texts me when he has good news or something happened in his life.
Like he texted me today right after he found out and was like "I got the job at the seafood buffet!" and like... That is so adorable that he wants to tell me his good news.

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