I make my way towards the ring and see a thin adult nearly my size. He stands tall in his corner of the ring, wearing a creepy smirk.

    He has a real fight coming his way. I will not hesitate to take that smirk off of his face by the time I'm done with him.

   I couldn't stand seeing people so confident that they would beat me in a fight, without seeing how well of an opponent I could be.

    The rusty bell rang outside of the ring, the screams and shouts of bystanders sound all around me. I gained focus and inhaled softly.

  I stare at my opponent in the eye, already knowing by the look upon his face that he was going to take a lunge at me.

   He grunted as he stormed my way and I quickly ducked under his punch, rolling behind him.

   He spins around to face me just in time for my fist to collide with his face.


  The sound finds its way into my ears and I focused on his form.

    He is jolted back, and he holds his nose while I follow my first swing with a storm of strong punches into his gut. My momentum increases each time I make contact.

   He swung weakly, trying to make contact with my face.

    I dropped to the ground and rolled away from him in a cartwheel.

   Having a more petite frame than most opponents often helped me with agile movements and defensive techniques.

  He spun quickly, trying to follow my fast movements while I moved around the ring.

    I wanted to end this match, by taking him out quickly.

   I stood firmly and faced him. I then pushed myself forward in a front flip, being sure to extend my right leg in the process. I make contact with his chest in one strong kick, before landing on the ground.

   He grunts and falls to the concrete. A cough leaves his lungs while he tries to catch his breath.

   The match leaders counted to ten, and the man remains unmoving upon the ground.

    A friend of his enters the ring, helping him up in his defeat. He cautiously pulled him from the ring as I walked over towards Jason on the rail.

He smiled and spoke up,"Nice round Celeste!"

   He gives me a quick fist bump and pulls out a slip of paper.

"You have five more requests for matches because of that last performance."

I grinned at him and nodded, my adrenaline not wearing off.

  " Can't wait!"

"You earned twenty five dollars for the last fight and these will bring you more earnings if you win. Good-luck."

   Jason grinned at me and took a step back from the ring as the pre-fight bell rang.

  My next opponent entered the ring.

   I ran my eyes over him, looking for what kind of fight I would be up against. He seemed as though he was only a little taller, but weighed much more.

  This would be a little interesting. I just needed to keep moving and avoid getting pinned with the heavier weight. One heavy strike from him and I would lose the match.

  I took my usual precautions, knowing that he would take the first move. Although he was pretty quick, I already knew how I could beat him.

   The round passed quickly and ended with me sending a rough uppercut into his jaw.

Pretty Little Fighter Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें