Chapter 31

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I wake up groaning. When my eyes adjust themselves, I see that I’m in a kind of cell. The floor is cold and moist and looks kind of old. It’s not very big, just a squared room with the metal bars in front of me. Where on earth did they bring us?

Then my eyes land on Nina, who is lying unconscious in the corner. Quickly I rise to my feet and run over to her. I check whether she is breathing and her pulse is luckily normal. Looks like those strangers made us breathe in a chemical that makes you lose consciousness. I search my pockets for my phone but then realize it’s not there. I swear I had my phone with me.

“Looking for this?” an unknown yet familiar voice asks and I turn around. A man around his forties with dark brown hair which is already fading into a light grey colour due to age, stands there. Is he the one behind all this?

“Who are you?” I say, getting slightly irritated. First I get unconscious because of the car hit, then because of extreme pain from the incomplete mate bond and now because of a kidnap. I’ve kind of had it with being knocked out cold already.

“So you’ve decided to answer. Hehe, that’s not a very wise thing to do Louis. You’ll see why.”

Those were the exact same words coming from that unknown phone call I had back then. No wonder why his voice sounded somehow familiar. “Tell me, was it you behind all that? Trying to kill the little girl on the street?” His face turns into a wide, wicked grin.

“Of course. The plan first was to just hit you where you were standing that night. However that girl also created a perfect opportunity. I knew you wouldn’t do nothing and would try to save her.” he answers without feeling guilty at all. I’ve never in my life met such an evil person before. I’m so close to punching this guy square in the gut.

“What the hell do you want from me? What have I ever done to you?!” I close to scream to him but his face remains unfazed. “Oh, it’s not you that I want but your so called precious mate. But having you here will surely cause an uproar in his pack, besides he’s the alpha as well. Since his pack took something very precious from mine, I will take something very precious from him.”

“I don’t get it. What was is that Harry’s pack took? Can’t you all come to an agreement to get it back or something?” I question, why make such a fuss over something his pack took. I mean it is wrong but they must have had a reason to do so right?

“Of course not!” he roars and hits one of the metal bars, making it bend at a deep angle. I flinch but try not to move, I don’t want to let him show how scared I am right now. “They took my mate, my mate! They killed her! You have no idea what it feels like for your mate to be killed!” my mouth opens wide in shock, did Harry’s pack seriously do that? I can’t believe this at all, that’s such a horrible thing to do.

“Harry’s pack seriously did that?” I ask for confirmation. I know I shouldn’t trust him but his actions tell me otherwise. He looks completely devastated and that’s why his eyes probably look so dull, like they have given up on everything.

“Yes, I was away on a trip, meeting with the alpha of the Ronan Pack to discuss matters about our border securities. When I came back to the pack house I saw my dead mate on the ground, surrounded by three wolfs. I completely lost it and immediately killed all three of them.” he says bitterly, recalling those awful memories.

“How do you know it’s from his pack then?”

“Haven’t you noticed one thing that every member of that pack has? That symbol they have on their backs, one where two wolfs look up to the moon, to the moon goddess. Didn’t see it huh?” he must have noticed the confused look on my face. Well I haven’t seen any wolfs bare backs yet, so I don’t know about that.

“What will you do with us?” I ask carefully. Since I’m this something special he is going to use. “Well, that Harry of yours won’t be able to find you here since we’ve masked your scent but his pack will eventually come to this place. He knows the hate I, along with my own pack have towards his.

We are the only pack who completely despises his pack, so it’s quite obvious for him along with his pack to come here. It’s gonna be one hell of a fight but in the meantime I’ll just have some fun of my own torturing you two.” He says and then smiles again, looking pleased with his decision.

“No, hurt me but not her.” I plead to him, no way will I let Nina get hurt, I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to her. “Hm, alright since you’re so desperate I’ll take your request without complaint. “Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you too bad because humans are weak after all but you will have to endure twice as much pain because you are also taking her place.” He chuckles and makes his way towards the door.

“It’s indeed terrible what Harry’s pack has done, that can’t be ignored. However war won’t solve anything.”

He stops in his tracks and then turns around to me, looking completely angered. “You have no idea boy. You have no idea what it feels like to lose your mate! Without a mate there is basically no more reason to live, your other half is gone forever! But having the murderers dead, decreases the pain a small fraction only. No, it won’t solve anything but they don’t deserve to live anymore. Imagine if your oh so precious Harry dies because of me, wouldn’t you want to kill me too hm?” he wickedly laughs before finally leaving the cell, leaving me with an unconscious Nina alone.

But shit, I really do get his point. If he kills Harry…… Just thinking about it boils my blood. Well yes, I would do the same probably but not make a war out of it, that’s just too much. I need to avert my thoughts before it gets out of hand.

“Ugh, I’m gonna kill those fuckers that did this, assholes.” Turning around I see Nina holding her head while trying to sit up. I immediately go to her and help her up. Once she sits up straight, I’m tightly embraced by her. “Thank god you are okay. I looked over at you when those guys got us but before I could do anything, they put this white cloth in front of my mouth and nose and then I fainted. You’re not hurt are you?” carefully she checks my face for bruises or anything but finds nothing.

“Where are we?” standing up she walks towards the metal bars and touches the one that was bend by that man of whom I still don’t know the name of.

“Held captured in another pack, the stranger that called me that night before the car accident is the alpha of this pack. Still don’t know his name though, forgot to ask.” Nina turns to me with a confused face. I point to the ground, signaling to sit down and she follows. I tell her everything that happened from the moment I woke up and the conversation I had with that man. Different emotions can be seen on her face as I tell her the whole story, from confusion to anger to sadness.

“Wow, what a mess man and we are involved in it as well. What on earth, we didn’t even do anything wrong!” completely pissed, she stands up and paces in the room. Yup, she’s definitely angry while I’m rather calm on the contrary. Probably because I’ve had it.

“We need to think of a way to get out of here.” She says after a while and turns to me. “I don’t think that’s possible, we are in another pack of werewolves who are much stronger than us. It’s like a death wish, besides the guy said that Harry along with his pack will come here eventually. Isn’t it better to just wait? I don’t think he will kill us either.”

“Great, how are we gonna waste our time in here then?”

“Wanna play rock, paper, scissors?”


Hello angels!!

Wow, Louis and Nina have been kidnapped!! And what about this alpha huh? How could Harry's pack do such a thing? What could be the reason behind it?? So many questions lol.😂😄

Vote, comment anything!

Goodbye angels!!❤

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