Chapter 21

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Short part is gonna be in the past tense dear readers:

The cinema was truly awesome and so was the movie. The movie was a comedy and me and Nina sat next to each other. Harry was sitting next to me and Liam next to Nina. Me and Nina with a comedy movie, I think you can guess the result.

Two laughing maniacs sitting next to each other, laughing at the most stupid things. I also noticed that Liam and Harry watched us carefully, probably wondering about our relationship with each other. Well, with your best friend you can do the weirdest things and not care at all.

At the end of the movie we were both running, no more like walking very carefully to the toilet. I had to pee so badly that it hurt and I could barely walk, same went to Nina too. People gave us weird looks but we couldn't give a shit at the moment and just tried to reach our destination.

When we had to say goodbye Liam looked troubled, like it was hard for him to say goodbye to Nina. "Hope to see you again sometime soon." and awkwardly walked away with Zayn and Niall. I noticed that Harry had his fist clenched. "Bye." and with that he walked off too.

"Your house." Nina said as soon as we entered my car (guys >-<, it's a larry story and it stays that way). "Yep." And then we drove off towards my apartment.

Okay moving towards the present tense now:

"Where to start?" "Good question." We are both currently wondering about, what to call it, the unexplainable? "So I get these tingles whenever I make contact with Liam and you get these tingles whenever you make contact with Harry." Nina starts off. "Yeah and to be honest they feel pretty nice too." which earns me a light smack from her. "Hate to admit it but you're right. I also don't like to admit this but when I shook Liam's hand, I felt attracted to him. I don't know how to explain this really." She says having a pensive look on her face.

"You're not the only one." I say to her. Ever since Harry and I made contact in the bar at the piano, I've felt more drawn to him. "It's so weird though, I don't believe in the love at first sight crap but now I'm having my doubts."

Now it's my turn to give her a light smack. "Watch it Tommy, do not make a lady angry." Nina says threateningly and I put my hands up in surrender. "What are we even doing? Why aren't we searching on the internet for answers?! Gosh Tommy I thought you were smarter than that." she says and then we both scroll through the internet, searching for some answers.

20 minutes later......

"Hahaha......" "Nah, that's just a whole lot of crap, can't be true." "Seriously, werewolfs? No one is gonna believe that shit." I finally say looking at the ceiling. Then it stays quiet for a while.

"What do we do?" Nina asks me. "I think I should quit my job." to that Nina sits up and looks at me shocked. "Oh hell no. You are not gonna quit the job." She says back to me. "And why not?" I question her. I mean, isn't it dangerous to be surrounded by possibly werewolfs?

"BECAUSE YOUR MATE IS THERE YOU IDIOT!!!!" she screams at me, (im just as taken aback as you guys). Then a light bulb goes off in my mind and I grin at her. "Isn't that just an excuse so that you can keep seeing your mate, Ninaaaaaaaa." I say in a singing voice.

Soon I'm met with a pillow in my face. Once it falls I can see Nina's red cheeks.

"I don't really know what to believe. I mean, it can't be true that werewolves exist but it's the only logical kind of explanation." I say and we both fall silent again. "The only thing we can do is find out." Nina looks at me. "How though?" "No idea."

"Aaaaaargh!! This is just so frustrating!" she shouts after a while and starts to pace in the room. I don't blame her, I'm equally frustrated. "Can I come with you tomorrow? I want to see what you exactly do there, and yes I also want to see Liam too." she adds when she sees me grinning at her again.

"But don't you need to work at your parents shop tomorrow?" I ask her. "No, they have to take care of some business and decided to just close it for the day, so I'm free." and she smiles a bit. "Well there is no reason for me to object so tag along. But we will be taking the bus though, no way I'm using my baby car." just having to think about parking my baby in a cramped parking space already gives me the chills.

"Are you fine again with using the bus? I still remember what you told me." Looks like she hasn't forgotten about that incident. That was indeed scary but I'm over it, thank god. "Yeah I'm fine now, he saved me remember?" and I unconsciously smile at the memory of him scaring the hell out of those guys.

Nina just smiles at me and then grabs the blanket and pillows from my bed and puts it on the ground. "Nina what are you doing?" I ask her confused. "You mister." she starts off and points her finger at me (-_- not the middle one guys). "You and me are going to watch a movie together." and then continues to arrange everything.

"Didn't we just watch one?" I say back to her, I mean, we just came back from the cinema a few hours ago. "Tomorrow we both don't have anything to do until your job starts so we can stay up late. Now what should we watch?" she asks me.

Seeing no reason to object and actually not really minding to watch another movie, I think about what we can watch. "Titanic." I say after a little while. "Alright I'll go get the tissues then."

Soon we were both sitting next to each other on the ground with junk food laid neatly in front of us.

The night turned out to be sad and lots of tears were shed about the heartbreaking but beautiful story. God, it's really impossible not to cry about the movie. In the end we both fell asleep on the ground with tear stained cheeks and food laying everywhere. Oh well, we can always clean it up tomorrow.


Hello angels!!

Update for yall.
I might be getting a bit sick, felt exhausted the whole day and I didn't sleep well.

Titanic really is a beautiful but heartbreaking movie for me. Whenever the song "My heart will go on" comes on, I almost always cry. Especially the scene where Rose has to let go of Jack's hand in the end, man that's just way too sad for me.

So Nina is gonna tag along with Louis to his work place. I'm not gonna spoil but something will happen in the next chapter, some mystery. That's all I'm gonna say for now.

Till the next chapter then.

Vote, comment anything!!

Goodbye angels!!❤

Who Knew (Larry Stylinson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt