Chapter 16

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There is really nothing better than sleeping late on a weekend. Waking up on my side I can see it’s twelve o’clock. Wow, that’s a record for me. I lazily get out of bed and head towards the kitchen to make breakfast. Then I head towards the bathroom and take a nice long shower. Getting into my bedroom I hear the notification sound of my phone.

Checking it, I see that I’ve got a message from Nina.

Hey Tommy!

How have you been without me?

Don’t think I’ve forgotten our deal.

Pick me up tonight at six.

We are going to Bonila.

Yours truly, Nins.

I smile when I read the message. I still remember how long it took me before I convinced her to come with me to that restaurant. It took two weeks before I succeeded. Subway has been her favorite always, add a bit off her stubbornness to that. Well, you get the story.

I change into clothes and also pick out the clothes for tonight. With nothing to do I did some random stuff for the rest of the day. I sang some small made up songs and played with my guitar.

Soon it was already time to get changed and get going. Leaving my apartment I head to my car and drive towards Nina’s apartment. When I arrive there I could already see her standing outside. When it comes to time Nina and I are very alike, we both don’t come late.

“Hey Tommy! How’ve you been doing! I know we only saw each other a few days ago but I want to hear how’ve you been doing at the bar.” Nina says to me making herself comfortable in the car seat.

“Everything’s great Nins, sure let’s first go then, I’ll tell you there.” I say to her and we drive off to the restaurant. Arriving at the restaurant we get a table for two and I pull out the chair for Nina. “I don’t get it why guys have to pull out the chairs for the ladies, I mean I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself. It makes me feel so embarrassed.” She says and sits down.

Nina never really liked the fact of guys pulling out the chair for the ladies. It’s just polite, the lady goes first. “This place sure brings back memories doesn’t it?” I say to Nina, grinning. “Oh please. You know my obsession with Subway, it just took some time before I wanted to go here. I mean, you could say I was and still am really addicted to Subway. This is my second favorite place though.” She says smiling. “How’s it been going at the bar? And especially with Harry? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

That is something I just love about Nina, she doesn’t force me to say things. She’s not the “now you better tell me everything, no details leaving out” kind of friend. She respects privacy. However if she knows something bad happened or if I’m really sad, it’s a complete one-eighty degree turn. Then I won’t be leaving until I’ve told her the story. Usually I tell her everything because I know I can trust her.

So I’ve told her about when I gave Harry my bottle of water because he looked so mad. When Arran came and Harry looked furious.

When I was done telling her that, I waited for her reply. Her head was a bit bent down to the table and slowly I could see a fist coming up. She held it in front of her, just like what people do when they won a point in a game. They make a fist and hold in front of them. That’s what she’s currently doing.

“I can definitely see Larry coming sooner or later, I mark my words on that.” I could hear Nina muttering to herself. Okay, I’m going to figure out what this “Larry” thing exactly is.

“Okay Nina, what or who is this “Larry” thing you’re talking about. And no way I’m letting you get away with this by changing the topic.” She looked at me with a blank expression. For a moment we were both just staring at each other in silence until she broke it.

“Okay, okay, you’ve got me. You really wanna know what I mean by it? Fine I’ll show you.” She said and picked up her bag which was placed onto the ground. Rummaging through it she finally found what she was searching for and showed it to me.

It was a little pot containing something green. With a paper around it (it looked like it was cut from an A4 paper), it was labeled with the word “Larry”. Actually it was written with her handwriting.

“It’s a new herb my parents made, it’s called Larry. It’s not yet completed but I’m very excited about it.” She said but I could see she was trying not to laugh for some reason.

I just let it slip, I got my answer and that’s what mattered. We ordered our drinks and not long after we also got our food.

We talked about random stuff and joked a lot too. Suddenly I remembered about the wolf, I still haven’t told her about that. I was having an inner battle with myself whether I should tell her about it or not.

Nina being Nina, saw the expression on my face and asked me what is wrong. From the tone of her voice, I could tell she will not let this go easily. 

I’m just going to go with the easier choice. “Well, I saw this black wolf yesterday with green eyes, it was just staring at me. It didn’t attack me or something, it just looked at me.” I looked at Nina after I said that. She just looked at me for what felt like forever.

“I can see you are not lying. Where did you see the wolf?” she asked me. Ah, I don’t really want to tell her I went with Arran to that restaurant yesterday. She might assume things plus I don’t feel like telling her the whole story.

“I was doing some shopping after I finished my shift at the bar. When I returned to where my car was parked I saw a pair of green eyes. Walking towards it, turned out it was a wolf.” I say, quickly making up the answer. Luckily she bought it.

“Alright don’t go there too often okay? Shop somewhere else but never just walk somewhere carelessly okay?” Nina told me with stern eyes. Sometimes she’s just like my mom but I know she just cares about me.

The rest of the night we just had fun and both ate a giant dessert. I brought her to her apartment and then I went towards my home. “Home sweet home.” I mutter to myself and get ready to head to bed.


Hello angels!

An update.
I feel a bit bad since I find this chapter more of a filler, so the next chapter will come within a few days.

Vote, comment anything!!

Goodbye angels!!❤

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