Chapter 6

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Nina and I go way back and I mean literally. My and her parents have been friends from before we were born. So we basically knew each other from since we were tiny babies. Our bond is inseparable. To be honest I also had a crush on her for some time when we were in high school. I confessed my feeling to her after a year or so but she said she only saw me as a friend. I was surprised that I didn’t feel so heartbroken after she said that and after quite some time I found out why.

Even after that awkward moment we actually became even more close than before. She seriously knows how to make my day better when I’m feeling down. From kindergarten all the way to high school had been incredibly fun with her. Most of the time when we arrive at school, the moment we make eye contact, we burst out laughing. When I’m with her I can so easily be a sarcastic and bold person.

Sometimes we also go to karaoke and we don’t sing then. No, we scream like some crazy hyenas. There were also times when people would come to the room we were singing in. They would then complain and ask us to behave more normal. Trust me, when she and I are together, we’re partners in crime. So instead of trying to actually sing, we screamed five octaves higher and then we ran out of the building. But not before we both have screamed: “See ya later bitchess!! Team Louina left the house!! (our team name we use for situations like this one, Louis + Nina = Louina) And we ran away until we were sure that we were safe.

I can name so many more situations like that. After tonight I sure as hell could use some of her company. After quickly writing a reply to her I check the time. Five more minutes until the bus comes. After putting my phone away I look up and see from the corner of my eye somebody leaning against the pole of the bus station.

When I turn to look at that person I see that it’s Harry. Well, would you look at that, I think sarcastically to myself. Question though, why are he and I the only ones waiting at this station? Why is nobody else here? What’s wrong with this city?! Just ignore him, and that’s just what I do. So for the rest of the five minutes I just look around except in his direction. I never knew a city could be this fascinating.

After those five horrible minutes of looking anywhere except his direction and the dead silence, the bus finally arrives. Thank god! Never have I felt more happy to see the bus than now. When the bus stops, I immediately stand up and make my way into the bus. Shit! I mentally curse to myself, seeing that there are no more seats left. So that leaves me standing in the right back corner, a bit away from everyone else. I hold myself onto the handrail above my head. I’ve put my guitar above in the luggage spaces.

Then I also see Harry coming this way, taking his place in the left back corner. Great, we’re practically neighbors now. I hope he leaves the bus earlier than me. It would be quite awkward having to be like this for twenty minutes. When I feel the bus starting to move, I pray for the best.

Me and Harry have been in the same bus for ten minutes now. I’ve just kept my gaze either forward or out of the window next to me. Trust me, it’s pretty weird acting like strangers with someone you’re going to be colleagues with three days a week.

The bus starts to slow down and eventually comes to a stop. The next stop is when I need to get out. You can do this. You’re halfway there, I mentally say to myself, trying to stay positive. The two elderly people who were standing in front of me before are now replaced with two guys in around their thirties. One guy has black hair and a mustache while the other guy has brown hair and a small beard.

And I don’t feel very comfortable.

I stared out the window but I could feel them staring at me. Then the guy with the mustache starts to talk to me. “Well would you look at that. What’s a cutie like you doing here? Let’s chat a bit, shall we?” he says in a sick, sweet voice. “Don’t scare the boy Cole. Say come with us and have a drink somewhere, how about it?” the other guy with the beard says to me grinning widely.

“No thanks, I need to get home fast.” I say trying not to let them show how scared they are really making me. However I fail since I could hear my voice trembling a bit and my bottom lip is shaking.

“Aw no need to be so scared, hun. Just come with us.” the beard guy says and started to grip my arm tightly. “Let me go or else.” I say trying to scare them off but to no such luck. “Or what? What can you do to make us scared huh?” beard guy says coming closer to me, invading my personal space.

“Leave him alone.” I snap my head towards the voice and I can't believe what I just heard and am seeing right now. Harry pushes the guy’s hand off from my arm and glares at them with stone cold eyes.

“And why would we do that? You his boyfriend or something? What could a boy like you possible do?” mustache guy says to him glaring back. “Don’t fucking mess with me. I can beat the shit out of you guys any second.” Harry says in a deadly voice glaring even more at the two men. He takes a step towards them.

I can practically see the blood draining from the guys faces. ”Let’s go, this is a waste of time.” beard guy says and both he and mustache guy move towards the front of the bus.

So, now I am left alone with Harry.


Hello angels!!!

Ooooooh, so Harry saves Louis from some bad guys. What's gonna happen next?

Phew, today I had to play a football match in school and I am super exhausted right now. HOWEVER, THAT WON'T KEEP ME FROM UPDATING!!!!


Goodbye angels!!!❤

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