Chapter 9

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For a moment I just stare at her, unsure of what to say. “Let’s go into the back, I’ll close the shop for now.” She then walks off towards the front and turns the sign to “closed”. I open the door and head into the back room. There is no getting out of this one. But I can’t tell her about the bus incident, no matter what. If she hears it, in no time dad would know too. He’ll look for those guys everywhere, even if it’s going to take some time. As much as I have no problem of him doing that, I can’t let them know.

For sure they are going to force me to stop my job at the bar. They’ll probably just shove the university money in my bank account too. I can’t let that happen, they’ve done so much for me already. I want to achieve going to university on my own. The problem is, I really need the money plus I have to at least work six weeks at the bar. That’s what the contract said.

I put the kettle on, grabbed two cups and a teabag. I then sit down on the opposite sofa from where my mom is currently sitting. The only sound I could hear in the room is coming from the kettle boiling its water.

When I look at my mom, she’s already looking at me waiting to hear an answer. Okay, here we go Louis, let’s put those acting skills to the test shall we?

“It’s like you guessed, it has to do with my job a bit. Firstly is because I’m not the only one doing this job there. There are four other guys doing it too. So I’m with them for the whole night doing the job. The manager of the bar forgot to mention that in the advertisement. Secondly, one of those guys doesn’t seem to like me that much. He basically ignored me the whole night. That just brought me back to some memories from the past.
I’m just hoping we will get along since I’m going to be there for quite a while.” After I finished I looked at her, waiting for a reply. She just looks at me, her face tels me she is thinking deeply. Whenever she’s deep in thought she’ll just stare at you, seeming as if she could look right through you.

She still didn’t say anything and I hear the kettle go off. I make my way over to the kitchen and pour both cups with water, put some sugar in and use one teabag for both cups. Yes, we use one teabag until it doesn’t color the water anymore.

I’m worried though, she isn’t saying anything. I didn’t say anything which could make her super worried. She knows what I’m talking about when I told her it brought back some memories from the past. I did not mention anything about the bus incident too, so I should be save.

When I was done with making the tea, I pick up the cups and make my way towards her again. I put her cup on the table while I keep mine in my hand and sit down. I look at her while she picks up her cup and takes a sip from it.

“I think you should just stay there for now. There will be always people like that, wherever you are in the world. You’re a young man now, not a little boy anymore. How you deal with him is up to you but I wouldn’t worry about him too much. Stay with the people that make you feel comfortable and just enjoy it. Imagine your dad and I, very often we have people in our shop who behave like a total jerk. Your dad and I sometimes just kick them out, we have no time to deal with crap like that. What I want to say is, don’t let it get to you, people like that aren’t worth your time. How are the other people then? Do you get along with them?” she asks me after her little speech.

For a moment I just stare at her, letting her words sink in. “Sorry, I was talking a lot, wasn’t I? It’s just that I want you to be happy and dad too.” she says looking a bit embarrassed but smiling nonetheless.

“No, it’s fine really. I just had to let all of that sink in for a moment. But yeah, the others were actually pretty nice. I enjoyed singing there too, in front of the crowd it went a lot better than I thought. Michelle who is my manager also said to me that I did a good job.” I say honestly to her. I expected her to say to maybe quit my job but luckily she didn’t.

“See, they are nice, so just hang around with them. It’s always a bit scary in the beginning. Now, tell me everything. About the bar itself and the people you work with.” she says, curiosity burning in her eyes.

And so I told her from beginning until the end, except for the bus incident. After I told her my story from last night and we drank our tea, it was time for me to get to work.

“Your dad won’t be coming today, apparently there was something wrong with our car.” mom said while making her way towards the exit. “Wait, then I’ll bring you home, I don’t want you going home all by yourself.” I say walking right behind her. “No need for that Louis, I’m going to Mara. She lives down the street. I’ll be chatting with her for a while and maybe eat somewhere. She’ll bring me home afterwards. I’ll be going now, bye honey.” she says to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, bye mom. Say hi to dad too when you get home okay?” “Sure, bye. Oh, and don’t forget to make a picture. I want to see the people you work with!” and with that she walks out of the shop. I watch her until I couldn’t see her anymore. Great, now I need to get a picture too. Getting Harry on it will be quite difficult. Come on Louis, he doesn’t have to be on it anyway.

“Well, it’s time to get to work.” I say to myself and put on the shop’s apron. Yes, I have to do that but I don’t really mind. I then turn the sign to “open” again.


Hello angels!!


Omg, so much homework!! But im very lazy today so i need to make up for it tomorrow😑😧

Yesterday our school had a sports day, AND GUESS WHAT?!

MEDAL FOR 3RD PLACE WITH VOLLEYBAL!! It's not much but im happy nonetheless.

It was quite a fun day with activities and we got to play against our teachers too😈.

Well, i think that's all.

Goodbye angels!!

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