chapter fifteen.

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That morning was the same as always. Chanyeol still felt like shit, missing a certain someone who he wanted to forget but just can't.

Rising from his bed, Chanyeol looked up to his wall clock, which bore its 6:33 AM face. It was still early, luckily. He had forgotten to set his alarm the prior. He had half-expected to wake up late.

Rubbing his face, Chanyeol reached out to his bedside table, grabbing his phone. Turning on the screen, he was instantly greeted by the sight of his notifications - 12 missed calls, 16 messages.

With eyebrows scrunched, Chanyeol flipped through his log, which all said that he had called him aroumd four that morning. He then checked his messages.

4:03 AM

Chanyeol, please meet me at the convenience store near my place


You're seriously going to regret this

4:04 AM


Wake up!

We need to go to the airport!

Like rn!

Chanyeol chanyeol wake up!

I cant simply tell you this thru txt


Im so sleepy

Im so sorry

Maybe this will wait tomorrow

Chanyeol im sorry

Im so sorry

Good night

Chanyeol had no idea what Kyungsoo was talking about, but there was a bad feeling in his gut. Trying to forget about it for a moment, he went off to prepare for school.

But he couldn't take his mind off of Kyungsoo's messages. Kyungsoo and Jongin weren't his classmates, so he still had to wait until lunch time to be able to meet. Throughout the day, his mind kept on wandering towards his messages, along with that bad gut feeling, which strengthened even more when Baekhyun was absent yet again.

"Chanyeol," Luhan asked him during break. shoulder. The taller looked over his shoulder, taking off his earphones. "Any news about Baekhyun? He's been gone for so long."

That was when Chanyeol realized that the messages Kyungsoo had talked about might be about Baekhyun all along.

Voice quivering, he answered with a weak, "I have no idea," and turned back around, closing his eyes and drowning himself in his music.

That lunch time, Chanyeol couldn't seem to bring himself to the cafeteria to meet Kyungsoo Jongin, and Sehun. His feet seemed heavy as he dragged himself down the hall, and it was only thanks to Luhan that he was able to even leave the classroom.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, Chanyeol's eyes fell on their friends sitting on their usual table space. They seemed tense, and weren't as rowdy as they usuallt are.

Gulping his anxiety, Chanyeol dragged himself towards the table.

"Hey guys," Luhan weakly greeted, sensing the depressing atmosphere looming above their table.

"Hi Luhan, hi Chanyeol," Jongin greeted back, forcing a smile.

"H-Hey guys," Chanyeol croaked. The three looked up to him with solemn expressions.

"Let's sit?" Luhan suggested, placing a hand on Chanyeol to urge him to sit down.

"Chanyeol," Kyungsoo spoke as he stretched his hand towards him, which held a piece of paper. "I'm sorry, this will ruin your lunch, but you have to see this."

Hands shaking, Chanyeol took it and slowly opened it.

Dear Chanyeol,

He froze, eyes widening in despair as he looked up at Kyungsoo, Sehun and Jongin, silently pleading for support, but they themselves seemed gloomy and sad, also in need of what he needed. Having no choice, Chanyeol lowered his eyes down.

I spent a whole day trying to make a letter, throwing every one since they don't seem sincere enough. So here, this will be my last attempt. I'll write my emotions in dark ink and as genuine as possible. You deserve it.

The way we developed was so spontaneous, along with the things we did and our relationship. We've known each other for years, but I never expected we'll get to this point.

What I said that night was true. I love you. It's ridiculous, how short our time together had been, but I've never felt such strong emotions for anyone.

And it's ridiculous how I know it truly is love but I keep on fooling myself that this is just a simple puppy love, just an infatuation. It's what I kept telling myself when I made the decision of coming with my relatives to America to get my sister treated there. I made that decision before coming to you that night, and it remained strong... until now. There's literally three hours until my flight, and now I'm regretting my decisions of ever leaving you, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Sehun and even Luhan.

But I can't turn back anymore. Not now, when my sister now has a chance to live. I love her as much as I love you, and I couldn't deprive her of this.

This is goodbye, Chanyeol. I won't be coming back anymore. Please move on and forget about me, and I'll do the same. I'll continue to convince myself that this is all just mere puppy love, and convince yourself too. That way, we'll forget each other quickly. Understood? Find yourself a proper lover who isn't a complete mess like me. Actually, find someone that isn't like me. You'll be good to go.

I love you Chanyeol. Goodbye.

- Baekhyun

Tears streamed down Chanyeol's face, dropping onto the fragile material that held so much sorrow for him. An ache formed in his chest, growing until it burst into strangled sobs in his throat.

Chanyeol stood up, crumpling the paper in his hand.

Kyungsoo stood up, reaching out to grab his hand. "I'm so sorry, Chanye-"

The taller shook his hand off. "Don't blame yourself. We're at fault. We didn't love each other enough." He took his bag and stomped away.

"Yah, Chanyeol!" Luhan yelled, standing up and taking hold of his shoulder, but was shoved to the side in anger. Sehun grasped Luhan's shoulders before he could stumble any further.

Jongin ran after him. "Hey, man, please. Chanyeol-"

"Just leave me alone!" he shouted angrily.

With that, Chanyeol walked out of the cafeteria, blinded by the tears that didn't seem to stop flowing while his friends' voices calling his name echoed in the background.


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