Part 1

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My eyes slowly opened. Blinking a couple times before sitting up, I looked around my room. Was it a dream?

"Ugh," rubbing sleep from my eyes, I weakly got up, off my bed.

My body just aches. That's weird. I tumbled over to my body mirror that was leaning against the wall. My legs felt wobbly. It felt like they were sore and at the same time getting poked by little needles.

When I looked in the mirror, I looked different. It scared me. I quickly reached over, turning on the light. My body! My face! What happened to me?!

My hips and butt were thicker. I had a thigh gap. My waist was so skinny and so were my arms. My breast were bigger, they pressed against my shirt. My nose was smaller and my jaw was more slim. My lips and eyes seemed slightly bigger as well. Some would say this is the perfect figure one could have. And it wasn't me, but yet here I was seeing it in the mirror.

However I was still the same height. My eyes and hair was still brown. I still had my light olive skin tone. I quickly lifted my shirt up to look at the right side of my lower back. I still had my birthmark. I was still me, but different.

What happened to me?! I can't go to school like this! People will think I got plastic surgery and make fun of me. Either that or just no one will even recognize me.

I'm very known at school and have a boyfriend. What will he think of me? And my dad?! He'll probably be too drunk to even notice actually. I'm probably still dreaming. Shit like this just isn't real.

Shaking my head and walking over to my nightstand, I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 9:45 am.

"Shit, I'm so late for school!" Dropping my phone I quickly ran to my closet, ignoring the aching pain that filled my body.

I need to wear something that covers this... body of mine. Even if this is a dream, I wouldn't want people even in my dreams seeing me like this. I looked over at my pile of bras. There's no way I'll be able to wear those. Leaving my shirt on, I grabbed my big, pink hoodie an put that on. Perfect. As for my lower half... I need something baggy as well. So slipped on my grey sweat pants and black Uggs, I was ready to go. Thank god we're getting into winter, so I shouldn't be too hot. I just don't know what to do about my face. I examined it some more in the mirror. I'm not too different looking? I pulled my hoodie up over my head.

Grabbing my phone, I walked out of my room. As I walked down the hall, I could hear the tv on in the living room. Taking a right into the open living room, there was dad, on the couch, watching tv, drunk... again. He looked at me and just stared at me for a minute.

My dad looked pretty good for being thirty-nine, that is till he drinks, he just looks like a mess when drinking. He was slim but buff, black hair, brown eyes like mine, and a sharp jaw. But ever since mom died three years ago, he's gotten into drugs and getting drunk all the time. He even started to grow a beard, not taking care of himself. Plus, he's gotten more angry towards the world and towards me.Each day I feel like it gets worse. I have to lie to my friends at school and tell them that I get the bruises from personal sports outside of school. So dumb.

"Gemini! Do you know what god damn time it is?!" He yelled, slowly getting up to face me.

He was so tipsy. "I slept through my alarm, I'm going right now," I quickly answered, as I tried walking past him, till he grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back.

"What's wrong with you," he narrowed his eyes, looking me up and down. "Why're you dressed like that?"

"Nothing, I feel sick ok," I quickly wiggled my shoulder away from his grasp and slipped past him, running for the door.

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