Chapter 22

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You woke up when you heard the door opening. You looked up to see Elliot. You rolled you're eyes and laid back down. He came over and you could smell food. That's when you looked back at him and notices he was carrying a tray of (f/f). You smiled and sat up to eat. He smiled seeing this and kissed you're forehead. "Morning kitten," he said. You glared at him and went to the other side of the bed. "Like I said before, don't call me kitten." You growled at him. He set the tray on the night stand and went to sit next to you, ignoring what you said.

You scooted away from him and turned around to go to the other side of the bed. That's when you noticed that the door was open. You're eyes filled with hope when you saw that and you began to think of how you should escape. All of a sudden you were pinned to the bed. You looked up to see Elliot. His eyes were a fuchsia color. "Don't even think about escaping," he growled. You looked up at him and shock and tried to get away.

His grip only got tighter and he learned down to kiss you. You took the chance and banged you're head onto his. He let go of you and help his head. You immediately began running for the exit. You ran out and looked around to try and find the stairs. Once you found them you basically jumped down all the stairs and ran to the door. You tried to open it, but it was locked. You rolled you're eyes and unlocked it before running out. All you could hear was the sound of the birds singing in the forest. You began running in a random direction, hoping it would take you home. You weren't going to go home though, maybe to you're grandparents home.

You stopped thinking and kept running. You heard voices calling you're name and knew they were looking for you. You ran even faster, not looking where you were going. You tripped on a piece of root sticking out of the ground. You groaned in pain and that's when the voices stopped calling. You panicked and stood up quickly, and ran for dear life.

You finally saw a town. Before you could get to it, you heard someone running behind you. "HELP!" You screamed as loud as you could.

Right before the person could catch you, you ran into town. You immediately began to scream for help. Everyone looked at you. You're clothes were torn and had blood stains on them. You're hair was a mess of twigs and leaves. And you had tear stains on you're cheeks.

Someone walked up to you with worry in their eyes. "Let me help you, where do you need to go?" They asked. "I need the police station." You're voice was hoarse and you were painting heavily. They took you're hand and guided you to the police station, in which you thanked them.

Once at the police station, you were taken into questioning. They asked you about where you have been and what they did to you and all of that good stuff. "Do you remember any marking, like strange tree that will help guide us to them?" The officer asked. You shook you're head no and he nodded. "don't worry, we'll find them," the police woman said, putting her hand on you're shoulder. You looked down and immediately looked back up when the door opened. You're mom and dad walked in. You ran and hugged them. "Mom! Dad!" You said happily. "We missed you sweetheart," you're father said as he hugged you back. You're mother hugged you tightly. "We came as soon as we heard what happened," she said.You sighed and smiled. "I'm just glad you're here."

After a moment the police officer walked up. "it's best that you guys head on home," he said. "Thank you officer," you said with a little bow before heading out with you're parents. They got into they're car, you getting in the back, and drove back home. Once at home you looked around, something felt off. You looked back at you're parents, but they didn't seem to notice.

"Back home again, I missed it here." you're dad said. You're mom giggled and walked into the house before looking at you. "We have decided to take the week off to be with you, maybe we can go to the mall tomorrow?" You mom said.

You didn't like the mall, there was too many people. You only liked one store at the mall anyways. "Sure," you said, just to be nice to her. She nodded and walked up the stairs with you to you're room. "I missed you..." she said before hugging you again. "I missed you too mom..." You said, hugging her back. After a moment she finally let go of you. "You need to rest, you've been through a lot today." she said and kissed you're forehead before walking out of you're room. You sighed and laid down on the bed. You felt eyes on you, but you ignored it. You began to think of Elliot's eyes, how they were fuchsia. You shook you're head and slowly drifted to sleep....


Wow! 3K people have read my book so far! I can believe it! Thank you all for you're support and you're reads I love you guys! I'll try to update more sooner than I do. And maybe I'll do a bonus next time for you guys. Now I know I haven't put a lot about demons but I will try to. I'll put more supernatural stuff in the next chapter! Alright guys! See ya!

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