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There's this coldness inside me

It won't go away

It tears me and plagues me

In every way

You give me abuse

Hurl out the words

Of how I'm not good enough

How I never will be

You call me fat

Force me to stand

To stare at my reflection

And then demand

For me to know it

You call me stupid

You call me fool

You wish me to be perfect

Smart, pretty and cool

When I'm not any of those

I'm just me

Just a human being

But one who has been torn


Because of you

Because of you, dear mother

But do you warrant that term?

That term of "mother."

After you have downgraded me

Given me low self esteem

Caused me to cry in secret

My heart to crack and shatter

You call me sensitive

Say it is all in my head

Maybe it is

Maybe it isn't

All I know is this coldness surrounds me

And it won't go away 

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