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Catch the falling leaf of a tree

Breath blown in a bottle

Send it out to sea

And hope, and dream, and pray

Wishes do come true

Though in unexpected ways

And as a tear rolls down my face

You wipe it away

Forgetting that it’s out of place

You comfort me

Saying wishes do come true

With a smile, a whisper... oh so gently

The stars twinkle in the sky

Beauty of the earth

I look at my hands, numb-they lie

For the earth is cold

But you shake your head and smile sadly

Wishes come true- I am told

I look at you

Sea blue eyes

Some wishes... just a few

Perhaps they do come alive

Because I see one before me

You, who is helping me survive

Wishes, fickle little things

They need hope and imagination

To actually bring

The luck that we wish for

But to be real they need love, they sing





Don't they?

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