Why do you...

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Why do you never smile when you look at that photo? she says to me

Because I lost him so soon and it's unfair you see

But why do you always look and can't bear to look away?

Because I want to remember him in every single way

But why do you have such misty eyes?

Because I miss him so. He was like family, is that such a surprise?

But what was his name and how is he in your heart?

His name was Finn and he saved me when I was falling apart

But what did he do to earn such a place?

By being the best friend, and keeping a smile on my face

But then if you love him so, then why do you not let this sadness end?

I know he loved you so surely you were more than friends

I gape at her, unable to speak

I blink, once and then twice, my head feeling weak

Why are you crying now, those tears sliding down?

I was only speaking the truth, and the words are truly sound.

Because I never really realised those feelings that you spoke of

But why is that photo black and not in colour like I've seen?

Because it speaks of my grief, and reminds me of what has been

But surely the challenge is to now let him go?

He wouldn't have wanted you to be sad- that much I know.

I shake my head, staring at her.

Why that facial expression now upon your face?

Because you've given me hope when I was in such a dire place

You've spoken words, so inquisite and true

Now I daren't forget of this coversation with you

But why are you now looking at that time?

Because the clock is ticking, and I need to live my life.

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