My little room

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Darkness overcomes me

The tears slide down

A song of woe lingers in the air

Whispering to me

Driving me to the brink

To the edge

To insanity

I look around the dusty room

Where no light streams through

Taunts and shouts echo

Laughing at my demise

But I walk the lonely path

With my head held high

I let out a strangled laugh

Clutch a piece of hair

Look around the empty room

Then I slide down and stare

I give up so here I stay

The place where I hide

The place where my darkest emotions do reside.

You would not expect it.

To see so much gloom

This is why I have this

This little room

Hidden in the deepest corners of my mind

So you do not see

I cry, mourn and weep inside

My heart finally flies away

But no one will come.

No one will help-no one will stay

For we all battle our own pain

We do not wish to share

So I plaster a smile on my face

And move on with my life.

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