chapter 5

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"Scott Hoying."

"Birth date?"

"September 17, 1991."


"6 foot 3."


"180 pounds." These questions are making me feel naked. I don't want them knowing everything about me. 

"You're rather calm.." My interrogator is Mike. "Why aren't you scared of us?" Mitch had told me to be brave, to not show my fear. 

"I have nothing to worry about." I reply, trying to stay cool. My head is muddled. Mike smirks and looks at everyone else in the room. Sonny, Ruben, Jose, Mitch, Mike and I. They all nod and keep their gaze on me. It's really unsettling. It's almost like I'm joining a cult. 

I know the only way to stay safe and alive is to pretend to belong here. 

"Tomorrow morning, at 4 o'clock sharp, you and Mitch are going on your first job. We have a deal to make with one of our best customers. There is a case I have with everything he asked for in it. You are to meet him, exchange the contents for a certain amount of cash, and part ways. He is our best customer, but if you linger with him too long he becomes irritated. We need him to keep buying from us. Alright?" Mike says. Mitch nods, and I lazily nod my head. I guess this is where the pretending starts.

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the sort of short chapter, I wanted to dedicate the next chapter to Mitch and Scott's 'mission'. Calling it a mission makes it sound like their superheros, but I'm not sure what else to call it, lol. Hope you keep reading!

~Cassie :)

Tainted by You | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora