chapter 26

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Scott told me he had loved me. As in past tense. He doesn't love me anymore.

Is it wrong I never felt the same towards him?

We've known each other for about a month, and I like him. I really, really like him.

But do I love him?

I'm scared to love because everyone I've loved has left me. I loved my mother, she left me. My best friend in all of elementary school, Nikki, left me when she moved to Delaware. After she left, I made a new friend named Shaun. We were good friends for two years, but when he made a little fuck boy friend named Kyle, they turned on me.

I was bullied for the whole fifth grade, and it ended once I left middle school. I never had many friends at all, it was a rarity. My personality isn't exactly stellar. I'm moody, irritable, sassy. No one really enjoys my company.

With Scott, I'm more confident than I've ever been. With Scott, he makes me feel like I'm worth something. I haven't felt that way for years. I don't think I know him well enough to love him fully. I don't know every side of him.

Scott really loved me?

I thought I wasn't capable of being loved anymore.

But now I've lost him for good. I've done something I'd never expect him to forgive me for. Who wants to be with someone who single handedly murdered your mother? Well, I wouldn't care to be honest.

My mother is nothing to me. I've forced myself to forget about her. Push the thoughts away Mitch, push the thoughts away.

But as I'm walking into my bedroom, the thoughts attack me. Nobody values me, nobody needs me. I'm just floating along, waiting for someone to need me. Waiting for someone to anchor me back to reality. That person was Scott, but he doesn't want me near him anymore. With Scott, I had a reason to get up every morning. With my mother, I had someone to look up to. She abandoned me. Nobody needs me.

I may be overreacting, but I can't see Scott coming back to me after this.

Scott never came in to sleep by me that night.


I decided to stay in the basement that night, uncomfortably sleeping in the desk chair with my head hanging over the side. I could not go and sleep with Mitch. I never will again.

He knew that he had been the one to shoot my mother over this whole month but he never decided to tell me. I have been living a lie, thinking Mitch was my home. Looks like I don't have a home now.

I'm planning to distance myself from him. If he was capable of doing this to me, he is capable of hurting me more. I can't take anymore hurt.

We are only seventeen. You aren't going to meet the love of your life as a teenager. By the way, I cannot believe I told Mitch I'd loved him. Emphasis on the past tense. I think I did love him at one point. Now there was no chance of loving him again. And I know he has problems. He's told me before. But I'm not going to let him use those problems as an excuse.

I might seem like I'm overreacting, but my mother was my whole life, and Mitch was the one to take her away from me.   

Thanks for reading! I decided to join both of their point of views together for this chapter since both of them were short. Please keep voting and commenting, I love to read them! Stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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