9: Prom (Pt. 1)

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Nicola finished her fruit punch, and threw the plastic cup in a garbage can. Wilma slid her arm into Nicola's before she could shove it in her pocket (how did she even find a dress that had a pocket?).

Wilma beamed down at her, "Come on, let's dance!"

Nicola was dragged onto the dance floor, but for once in her sorry life at this sh!tty high school, she didn't mind. She looked around as the lights were low but the dance floor was lively. There was food in the back, but nothing tasted better than that fruit punch she just finished - except, maybe the lips of the most gorgeous girl standing right in front of her.

Nicola smirked and leaned in for a kiss, but Wilma dipped her instead.

Nicola shouted, "Wilma! What the f-" But Wilma pulled her upright and their noses were touching.

"Yes, my dear?" Wilma smiled.

Radiant as ever, Wilma was wearing a yellow flower dress with puffy shoulders and a slid down her leg. Nicola could only focus on her eyes, though, as her girlfriend held her there firmly.

"I-i-" she stuttered, realizing she was blushing a deep red and was no longer the one in control here.

Wilma winked, "Love you too, doll."

Art by Rowland-a on DeviantArt

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