11. Walks (Pt. 2)

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Nicola huffed, putting her hands in her pockets and turning around, walking straight out the cafe door with a frown.

Nicola couldn't see, but Wilma was visibly upset, looking down in guilt and sadness raking her eyes. Wilma's friends kept giggling, tossing insults about Nicola for the fun of it.

"She's such a freak!"

"Did you see the way she was looking at Wilma? She really thought it was a date!"

"She's so stupid."

"That loner is so weird."

"I can't believe she even fell for that."

"I can! She seems so emo and desperate."

"She's such a clown!"

"A dark and brooding clown."

"What a joke!"

Wilma felt anger wash over her. She just wanted to fit in. These girls were her friends. But she really did like Nicola... and she jeopardized that. She put Nicola in a tough situation, just because Wilma was afraid of being an outcast. Of not being liked.

She felt her fists ball up and she walked away. The girls, to Wilma's surprise though she was to angry to care in the moment, barely noticed.

Nicola was walking along the street, eyes teary but she wouldn't let them water down her cheeks. Wilma was running, calling her name, but Nicola didn't hear.

After a moment, Wilma ran up and caught up with her, "Nicola!"

Nicola looked up at her angrily, hurt flashing in her eyes, "What do you want? You already had your fun."

"No," Wilma said, trying to step in front of Nicola. The two came to an abrupt stop.

"I'm sorry," Wilma started. "I was just trying to fit in. I didn't know they'd start yelling at you."

"What, so it was a prank? A dare?" Nicola asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Wilma rubbed the back of her neck, "Well... it started that way, but... I actually like you, Nicola. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"Well, you did," Nicola said, and started walking away, her hands still in the pockets of her black hoodie.

Wilma followed, walking alongside Nicola, forcing other bystanders to go around them as they took up a majority of the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry I did," she blinked, "How can I make it up to you?"

Nicola hesitated, but kept walking. No one had ever asked her that question before. She was used to being hated or walked all over, but not used to people asking for forgiveness over it. Only Percy, Nicola's friend, ever did that, and even then Percy had never asked to make up for it, only said he regretted it and wouldn't do it again.

"Nicola?" Wilma broke Nicola's pondering. Nicola realized she had gone quiet for a long minute.

Nicola slowed her walk until she paused in the middle of the street, and lifted her chin to face Wilma, who was taller than her by a few inches.

"You like me?" she asked, almost telling Wilma matter-of-factly.

Wilma nodded, smiling, "Yeah. You're great."

Nicola inhaled slowly, "Then I forgive you. But you need better friends."

Wilma lifted her shoulder, nodding, "Yeah, I guess you're right. They're mean girls."

"Yeah," Nicola agreed. "And you're not."

Wilma reached her hand out for Nicola to take. Nicola looked at it, not catching on.

"Hold my hand, silly!" Wilma announced.

Nicola's eyebrows lifted in surprise. She blushed like she had when they were initially walking to the cafe, and slowly took Wilma's hand.

Wilma laughed at Nicola's blush, so Nicola responded under her breath, "You're so annoying..."

"But you like it," Wilma caught, and began walking again.

Yeah, Nicola admitted. I do. I like you too, Wilma.

Art by VivianaDiChiara on Redbubble

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