T h i r t e e n

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Sampras pov:

"Ethan can you tell me what's going on please???" I asked him.

"Well this blonde bitch that was kissing Grayson this morning is his ex. She will stalk him everyday to make sure that he isn't with another girl. One day Grayson went to work but then never returned. I called his phone but Jenn (short for Jennifer) picked it up. I could hear Gray in the background screaming for help but she said if I ever came he would be good as Dead. Everytime that he came home he smelled like sex but in a bad way so like rape. Jenn would force Grayson to have sex with her and it's like a drug to her. When she came into the classroom did Gray have a concerned look on his face???" he asked me. Wow this is a lot of information.

"Well I couldn't really see but he looked kinda pissed off and scared in a way" I replied. His hands gripped the wheel tighter and the car sped up a lot.

"Ethan can we slow down please??? I know that your brother is in trouble but can we maybe get there safely???"in asked him and he quickly nodded as the car slowed down. I sighed in relief.

"Where do you think he is at the moment???" I asked him super concerned.

"Well I'm gonna see if he's home then we will just pray" he said. At that moment in time I felt as if I knew where he was. I closed my eyes and physically heard his pain that he was going through.

"Ethan I know where he is. Turn around!" I yelled. He did just that. Sooner or later we made it to the old factory that went out of business.

"He's in the basement second room" I replied. He nodded and went rushing down the stairs and me following him. As soon as I got to the door, Ethan kicked it open. There stood that blonde bitch and Grayson only in his boxers. Damn. I could stare at that all day but now isn't the time. I went up to that hoe and punched her right across the face. I looked to the side of me, some guy wearing all black who was watching all of this happen.

"Show yourself!" I pointed to the guy in the corner. He stepped so now he was in the light. He took off his mask.

"Cameron Dallas??? Guy that I used to go to school with???" I asked.

"That's right baby girl" he smirked at me.
"What the fuck??? Why did you do this to Grayson???" I asked him.

"You're just lucky that I didn't do it to Ethan either. I've seen it. The hugging, the kissing, the teasing. All of it" he said. I was stunned. I thought nobody was watching but false. Someone was and now it may haunt me for life.

"So what??? We never had a chance. We are completely different from eachother" I said.

"Well I'm a boy and you're a girl" he said


"So that's something that we have in common" he smirked at me.

"Oh fuck off. I don't care that I'm a girl and you're a boy. We still aren't good together and you just need to get over it. Gosh. You're such a dick!" I yelled.

"Hey I have an idea. Why don't you just fuck that Barbie doll that's knocked out cold. It'll be worth your wild" I added. I could hear the boys snicker behind me. He just looked stunned. That's what I was kinda going for. He came to me and slapped me across the face.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU WHORE??? YOU'RE LUCKY THAT I HAVEN'T TOLD THE PRINCIPAL BECAUSE HE WOULD'VE GOTTEN LOVER BOYS OVER THERE FIRED. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S BEING A REAL BITCH RIGHT NOW!" he screamed at the Top of his lungs. I felt tears coming along. I guess I am a whore. I ran out of there with tears streaming from my eyes. My brother was right. I am a slut and a whore. I sat on the curb crying my eyes out. I heard people fighting then the boys came out.

"Sam are you ok???" Gray asked me. He touched my shoulder but I flinched and stood up looking away from them.

"I think I should go home. At least that I know that Grayson is safe and that-" I was too depressed to even finish that sentence. I put my hoodie on and started walking away. As I was 10 minutes away from my house, it began to rain. By the time I got home I was soaking wet. I grunted then went to my room.

"Hey honey" my mom said. I looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey mom. How was work today???" I asked her

"it wasn't too bad. How was school???" she asked me. I lied.

"It was...good" I smiled and she smiled.

"Well that's good. Don't stay up to late ok. Goodnight sweetie" my mom said

"Night mom" I said before she closed the door. I couldn't fall asleep that night. I kept thinking about what Dallas (Cameron) said. Maybe it is true what he is saying. I didn't want to believe him but I will have to face reality some day so might as well face the facts and the truth.
The next day...

I walked into Grayson's classroom super depressed. Grayson saw but made no attempt to ask me or make me feel better. I looked out the window with cold eyes as if the whole world was staring at me. I looked around the class and nobody was looking at me but Grayson. I gave a weak smile before looking back out that window. I saw the leaves change colour and how pretty it was. I love the fall. So many pretty colours.

After class...

I walked out of his class. Never asked me once what was happening to me. But Ethan he was begging for an answer.

"Ethan I'm a slut" I sobbed.

"No you're not. Where would you get that from???" he asked me.

"I'm using you. You and Grayson. I'm sorry I have to leave" I sprinted out of his class and to my long board in my locker.

After school time...

I got home to an empty house. I went to my room and drew some things. Mostly Ethan and Grayson. That's when I got a knock on my door. Guess who it was??? Ethan and Grayson. Not a surprise...

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