Forgetting Something Important

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(Aragorn's POV)

I looked up, Barad-Dur collapsing before my very eyes. The Eye of Sauron was no more. Victory was ours. Frodo had succeeded. Middle-earth was saved.

But then, something unexpected happened. Mount Doom erupted, its molten raining down upon all near it. Our cheers of happiness were followed by cries of dismay. There was little chance the hobbits could have survived.

And then, a shock wave was sent out. Barad-Dur's collapse created such a wave that the ground beneath our enemies feet caved, creating a massive ravine in its place.

Remembering something, I quickly looked in the direction of Legolas. The ground was crumbling faster, nearing him at a quick pace. But he didn't move away.

Before the ground beneath him and his horse gave way, he looked me in the eyes. They held remorse and sorrow in them, as if the Legolas I knew was still there inside. But then he disappeared, the ravine finally catching up to him.

My knees gave way beneath me, and I screamed at the sky. Though he was the enemy, he was still my brother in arms, nothing could change that.

I never saw Gandalf with the eagles fly over me, Frodo and Sam in their claws. Nor did I notice as Glorfindel walked over and pulled me to my feet, dragging me in the direction of our horses.

It didn't matter anymore that we won, nothing did at that moment. I didn't care that I would now be King, or that Middle-earth was free from the Dark Lord. No. I only cared that my greatest friend and ally was now gone.

True, death was the only way to free him, but I was to selfish to care. He was always supposed to stay by my side, he was supposed to out live me; not the other way around.

The entire ride back to Minas Tirith, I drowned in my misery, not hearing anyone who tried to speak to me. I was an empty shell. Why did anything have to matter if I lost someone dear to me?

When we returned to the city, I retired to my room. Nobody tried to stop me, though if they did, I may have lashed out at them. I spent the rest of the day wallowing in my thoughts, thinking the world to be cruel.

The next morning, I left my room. I walked past Glorfindel and Gimli, who silently began to follow behind me. Frodo would be waking up soon and everyone in the Fellowship was going to see him.

When we reached his room, I forced myself to smile as I walked in. Frodo looked better, than before, a bright smile on his face. As we all gathered around him, people chatted happily, no dread left in their minds. If only I could be the same.

After staying with Frodo for about an hour, we were kicked out by healer, complaining he needed rest. I went back to my room, ignoring everyone who tried to talk to me.

The next couple of days passed like this. I sought out the comfort of my room and the quietness it offered. After a few tries by Glorfindel to get me to talk, he gave up, muttering (most likely) Elvish swears under his breath.

Then the day of my coronation came. I was given clothes to wear, not to my liking. But the future king of Gondor can't go around wearing a Ranger's cloak all the time. So sad.

After dressing myself, I managed to will my mind to forget about Legolas for the time being. I had a job to do, and I wasn't going to let my grief interfere.

I walked out into the streets, briskly walking to where the coronation would take place. Taking my place in front of Gandalf, it began.

I didn't pay attention to most of what he was saying. I only started to pay attention when he raised the crown to place it on my head. Bowing down, it was set down. I stood back up, straighter than before.

"Now come the days of the King." Gandalf said. "May they be blessed."

Everyone began to clap. Gandalf then turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and took a few steps up the stairs and turned to face the people of Gondor, silencing them.

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all." I said. "Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." They clapped again, cheering.

Walking down the path, I bowed to my friends as I passed them. As I reached the elves, Glorfindel stood in front of them smiling. I clapped his shoulder, and he returned the gesture.

"Hannon le." I said softly. He made a motion with his eyes, indicating behind him. I looked at where he indicated to, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Arwen had come. I had forgotten that now that the Sauron was gone she was saved.

She slowly walked up in front of me, bowing her head just a little. I placed my hand under her chin, making her look at me. We both smiled and then I kissed her.

All the despair and sorrow that I had felt for the past few days were gone then, Arwen bringing back my happiness and hope. My worries over Legolas were gone in that moment, only replaced by the hope of the future that lay ahead of me.

But forgetting about Legolas was one mistake I should have never made.

Sorry about the wait guys! I have been attacked with homework, making it near impossible to write. But I'm back now! I have high hopes that my next chapter should be out in the next few days. :)

But now I have a question for all of you readers: would any of you be interested if I made a prequel to this story that described what exactly happened to Legolas to make him work for Sauron? It would lead up to the events of where and how he was turned from good to evil. Would anyone like to read it if I wrote it? Comment and tell me!

I guess that's all for now! Thanks you all for reading! BYZ!


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