Battle Of Hope

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Fast forward a while for Aragorn's POV. They already freed Theoden (from last chapter) and are now headed to Helm's Deep. Aragorn has fallen and I will start when Brego shows up. I didn't feel like writing about the other things before; just wanted to get to where the fun begins. :P

(Aragorn's POV)

I felt sore. Apparently, falling off a little cliff into water is very painful, a good thing to note for next time. My body hurt even when I tried to move it just a little.  I groaned when something nuzzled into my back, rolling me over.

I opened my eyes, squinting at the light. When my vision cleared up a bit, I realized that it was Brego who had nuzzled me. The horse bent down next to me, and I grabbed his mane. After painfully pulling myself up onto his back, he began to walk.

I honestly have no idea how long we have been traveling for, I've been a little out of it. All I know is that after what seemed like hours, we came across a giant group of Uruk-hai. There were at least ten thousand of them, and I knew that they were heading for Helm's Deep. I urged Brego on and he began to gallop at full speed.

This time, I knew that it was a few hours before we reached Helm's Deep. As we approached, the gates opened for us, and we rode in. When I got off Brego, a  grumpy voice was getting louder and closer.

"Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way. I'm going to kill him!" Gimli, pushed through the crowds, ending up right before me, a smile appearing on his face.

"You are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man ever knew!" he hugged me tightly, not seeming to want to let go. "Bless you, laddie!" After a while of hugging, he finally let go.

"Gimli," I said, "where is the king?"


After talking with King Theoden and deciding what to do, I headed to go and get better armor than what I had on.

As I was putting on my armor, Glorfindel walked in, obviously fighting a smile. I looked at him, confusion clear on my face. He shook his head and inclined with his head to a nearby door. Not a moment later, a grumbling Gimli walked in, struggling with his chain mail.

"We had time, I'd get this adjusted." he said. After struggling a little more, he sighed and let it fall to the ground. "It's a little tight across the chest."

I turned away, facing Glorfindel and tried as best as I could not to laugh. It was obvious that the elf was having a hard time too. While we fought our laughter, a horn sounded out in the night.

"That is no Orc horn." Glorfindel said. He ran out the door, going to the one's who blew the horn. I took one last glance at the still struggling Gimli, and ran out the door.

When I caught up to Glorfindel, he was standing in front of a large group of elves. Haldir was standing in front of them, a smile on his face. Theoden walked down beside me, shocked by the elves presence.

"How is this possible?" Theoden said, dumbstruck.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell." Haldir responded. "An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together. We came to honor that allegiance." He smiled and looked up to where now Gimli, Glorfindel, and I stood.

I walked down the remaining steps and stood in front of Haldir. "Mae govannen, Haldir." I then pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly.

"You are most welcome."


The battle had now begun. Ladders were being brought up by the Uruk-hai, locking onto the stone wall. Elves and men mixed together, trying to ward off the foul creatures.

I made my way over to one of the ladders, putting my foot on it, and pushed with all my might. It fell to the ground along with all of it's passengers. But they were never ending. I killed as many of them as I could, my sword becoming caked in their black blood.

I looked down and saw an Uruk holding onto a torch. That can't be good. Glorfindel was nearby, sword in one hand, bow in the other.

"Togo hon dad, Glorfindel!" he turned and after seeing the Uruk, he notched an arrow in his bow. The arrow hits him, but he keeps running, getting ever closer. "Dago hon! Dago hon!" After two more attempts by the elf, the Uruk finally falls, but right into the wall. A moment goes by and all seems well, until the stone beneath me explodes.


After hitting the ground, I black out for what seems like a while. Finally, I shake my head, clearing away the blurriness that I see. I hear someone faintly calling out my name and turn to see Gimli jump down onto the advancing Uruks. I stand up and go in, pulling the wet dwarf up, and continue to fight.

"Aragorn!" Gamling calls out. "Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!" I nod and lead everyone towards the Keep, I take one last glance up towards the stone wall, and am shocked at what I see.

An Uruk swings his sword and hits Haldir in his back, the elf falling to the ground. Before I can even try to get up there, the wall begins to swarm with the foul creatures. As a tear falls down my face I join the others up to the Keep.


At this point, everyone was gathered in the Keep, blockading the doors to give us time. I turned towards Theoden, who looked as if he had given up hope.

"The fortress is taken. It is over." Theoden said solemnly.

"You said this fortress would never fall while you men defend it!" I exclaimed. "They still defend it! They have died defending it!" I looked around, men continually blockading the doors.

"Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" There was no answer. "Is there no other way?"

"There is one passage." Gamling answered. "It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-hai are to many." I tell him to send for them to make for the pass, but am interrupted by Theoden.

"So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?"

"Ride out with me." I say. "Ride out and meet them."

"For death and glory."

"For Rohan. For your people."

"The sun is rising." Gimli says from by the window. Instantly, I remember Gandalf's words before he left us and look towards Theoden, smiling.


We charged down the bridge, killing all Uruk-hai in our path. A bright light began to emanate from upon the hill. al rode down with the Rohirrim, meeting the Uruks head on. A new surge of hope ran through the men, giving all the strength to fight.

After all the Uruk-hai were dead, I looked around and saw a light coming from the men. Hope was restored, everyone was safe.

We won.

FINALLY! Sorry for the wait on this chapter. School has consumed ALL of my time. And yes, I know I skipped some parts of the battle, but the chapter was getting long and I just didn't see it necessary to add some of those parts.

I have my fingers crossed that I may update another chapter today. If not today, then definitely tomorrow. (I hope) Well, I hope this chapter was enjoyable. BYE BYE!


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