Plans For Battle

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For this chapter, it will start off with Leggy's thoughts again because I had fun writing it from his mind last time. :3

(Legolas' Thoughts)

I DID IT! I KILLED THAT WIZARD IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! GO ME! WHOO! Sorry, take a deep breath, Legolas.

I know. I shoudln't be so happy about it, but come on. It was awesome, wasn't it? I didn't even plan on him falling onto the water wheel. That was like a bonus.

I even got to kill that creepy guy Grima too! There was NO way he was going to get my kill. Not in this lifetime.

But what was really, just really amazing, was seeing the look on their faces. They were like, so surprised that I would do such a thing. And then Glorfindel. HAH! Man, is he wimpy or what. I mean, really. Telling me that I wasn't being me.

Really? He just doesn't understand; none of them do. I have never felt this free in my life. Do I regret this life? Maybe a little, but I don't mind it that much.

The only thing I hate is when Sauron gets in my mind. THAT annoys me. It's not a very good feeling to have, but it's only one draw back that I face. Otherwise, I enjoy it. But I have had a few questions on my mind of late:

What if they do succeed in destroying the Ring? What will happen to me? Will I perish or be stuck like this forever? (being stuck like this wouldn't be so bad I guess...)

I probably shouldn't be thinking like this, but it does bother me. Sauron is the biggest threat this world will probably ever face, and I don't think anyone else but Him can be in charge of me. I guess I'll have to wait in see.

In the mean time, I think I've just reached Mordor...

(Legolas' POV)

Durvainor rode up to the Black Gates, stopping as the gates slowly opened. It took a little bit until it opened enough for us to enter. We proceeded through, countless eyes watching us from the shadows.

We rode to Barad-Dur, passing by thousands of orcs. Sauron must be planning for an attack.

When we reached the tower, I got off Durvainor and proceeded to enter the tower. I entered through the doors, ignoring the looks I received from the orcs. Never been fond of me, but I can't blame them.

Climbing the excruciatingly long steps, I finally reached the door that led to the platform. Oh, this will be fun. I'm sure of it. I opened the black door, and stepped through. Closing it behind me, I turned around and walked forward.

The only thing that was nice about this platform was the view that one received from it. It was truly an amazing sight to behold. Even though everything was mainly black, there was still the raging red and orange from the lave of Mount doom to lighten things up. That was what I liked about this place.

I cleared my head as I reached the center of the platform and waited for it to begin. As predicted, the haze like darkness enveloped my mind, all there was was myself and Him.

"So," he began, "Saruman was killed. Pity. He could've been useful if he only succeeded. But you, you have brought me many successions where that wizard failed. I have another task for you now."

"What will you have me do now, my Lord?" I asked.

"As we speak, I have thousands of orcs marching onto the fields of Pelennor, men sail in from the east. Minas Tirith will fall, Gondor weakens. But I fear that we will face yet another war, one that will decide things for good. I want you to prepare every orc left in Mordor. I want every last one ready to fight, for we shall have victory."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Good."  And with that he left, the haze clearing from my mind. I shook my head, clearing it completely. One last battle. It was strange to think how far this war had come. It was finally coming to an end. Although, I did not tell Sauron, but I feel as though we will not win, but shall fall into ruin.

I shook my head again, pushing aside those thoughts. Walking back into the tower, I walked down the stairs, prepared to give out orders.

Though I fear we will not win, Sauron is my master, and I will do as He says. Remember? I'm under his dark spell.

Finally. I know I said that I would post sooner, but.... I had way to much to do. BUT NOT ANYMORE! I'm on break now so chapters should be coming out more often, maybe once a day if I can. :)

Sorry if this chapter isn't very good. I rewrote some parts multiple times.



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