A Blur of Black

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(Legolas' Thoughts)

Well, Saruman failed.

After all that, he managed to fail. Didn't I come to make sure he didn't fail? Oh well. Sucks for him.

I mean, I get to kill him now. It's not that I want to, I was just given orders. I mean, why would I ever want to kill the wizard? It's not like he's in my way at all, or holding me back for that matter. No..... not at all. *cough, cough*

Yeah. Right.

I am actually thrilled to see him gone. Never liked him. More of an annoyance who's obsessed with power. You know, the usual.

I must sound like a horrible person. I guess I technically am now, right? That doesn't matter I guess. The point is simple: his loss is my gain. Serves him right to. He didn't even end up with the hobbits nor did his MASSIVE attack on Helm's Deep work. Oh yeah, Ents just completely massacred Isengard to. Funny...

Do I sound like a hypocrite to you?

Anyways, back to more important matters. All I care about is that I won and now I get to kill him. Can life get better? I think it can.

I can imagine myself, leading Sauron's forces into battle now. When I succeed, He will be so proud of me! Everyone will cheer for me! All thanks to ridding this world of one worthless life. Wow, now I really want to kill Saruman. Should probably get to it shouldn't I?

Wait. This is sad. I just realized that I am thinking to myself, and even praising myself. Eru, do I have an ego...


(Legolas' POV)

I looked out the window of the room I was in. Everything was drowning in water. Literally. Ents walked around, guarding the perimeter, as those two damn hobbits waited outside.

I shook my head and began to turn away, when something caught my eye.

A group of riders was coming in, and one of the Ents was going over to join them. I didn't try to listen to what they were saying, as I was already out the door of the room, walking quickly to find Saruman.

There was no way in Mordor that I was letting those damned riders kill him before I could. I really wanted to.

I quickly made my way up to the roof, hiding next to one of the pillars as I watched what was before me.

Saruman was speaking to the riders below. I could clearly make out Gandalf's voice, as well as Theoden's. (CRAP) I took a glance to see who else was down there, and a scowl immediately covered my face.

The Balrog Slayer was there along with the dwarf, two hobbits, Aragorn, and a couple other humans whose name I did not know. (DOUBLE CRAP)

I really didn't pay attention to what was being said, my mind completely honed in on the unsuspecting wizard's back. I had to kill him at the exact moment. Preferably before he told them ANY of Sauron's plans.

As I sat there patiently, I saw Grima approaching Saruman, knife in hand.

Oh, hell no, he isn't. Not in this lifetime.

Before he could get any closer to be noticed, I grabbed the weak human. He screamed into my hand but it didn't last long for my knife was already through his chest. I gently laid him beside me and decided to kill the wizard now.

In the blink of an eye I jumped up behind him, my blade going straight through his heart. I let go of him and he fell forward, landing onto a water wheel. Silence followed. While they sat there dumbstruck, I walked over and grabbed Grima's body too. I then tossed him over, barely missing one of the humans as he landed.

I smiled down to the riders and waved. I was very happy right now. But then that wizard below had to start yelling.


"Well, it's actually pretty simple." I replied. "I was told to kill Saruman if he failed. And evidently, he did."

"Then why did you kill Grima as well?" Theoden chimed in.

"If I didn't kill him, then he would've killed Saruman." I said. "I don't think you get it. They had to die. Not my orders, though it was fun. Deal with it." I smirked at them below.

I was surprised when the elf decided to talk to me.

"What happened to you Legolas? Where did you become so different?"

"What happened to me, you ask? I will tell you what happened. I was shone the right path in this war. The battle you fight is hopeless. You will never win. I will personally make sure of it."

"That's not you, Legolas. Where is the prince that we all know?"

I paused for a moment before replying, silence enveloping us. As I turned away, I answered his question.

"He is dead." I then walked to the edge and jumped, landing on the ground next to Durvainor. After getting on him, I was away, a blur of black in the day.

Oh! Isn't Legolas such a doll? I mean, being all happy with murdering two people. Aww. So cute... yeah. Sure.

AS promised, I have yet another chapter for your enjoyment. And again, I REALLY enjoy writing Legolas like this. It's amusing I find to make him sarcastic and stuff. :3

Next chapter... er... maybe in a day or two?... Maybe? Oh well. Just have to wait and see I guess. ;)


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