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(Aragorn's POV)

I called out Legolas' name as he ran from the clearing. I couldn't believe he just shot Boromir three times!

Shaking my head, I rushed over to Boromir's body which now lay on the ground. I held him close, seeing his life slowly leave him. When I went to remove the arrows, he stopped me, shaking his head.

"Leave it! It is over. The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness... and my city to ruin." Boromir said.

"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall... nor our people fail!" I responded.

"Our people? Our people." Boromir reached for his sword and I placed its hilt in his hand. He placed it on his chest, and I knew this was the end.

"I would have followed you my Brother... my Captain... my King!" and with that, Boromir son of Denethor drew his last breath.

"Be at peace, son of Gondor." I gently placed a kiss on his brow and leaned back. Glorfindel and Gimli stood of to the side, sorrow passing over their face.

"They will look for his coming from the White Tower. But he will not return." Glorfindel said softly. I stood up and they both walked over.

Together, the three of us gently took out the black arrows, not wishing to disturb him in his peace even though he was dead. When they were removed, Glorfindel and I carried him back to the shore while Gimli prepared a boat. After he was placed in the boat and cleaned up, all of his belongings were placed inside.

Gently, we pushed the boat out into the water, watching the boat as it went over the edge of the falls.

The three of us stood there for a while, the silence welcoming. I finally, turned and began getting ready to depart. The two of them came up to me and I turned around, Gimli looking as if he were to speak.

"The Fellowship has failed! This has all been in vain." he said. I put my hand on their shoulders and shook them a little.

"Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some Orc!"

They both smiled instantly, and together the three of us bounded into the woods. Do not worry Merry and Pippin, we are coming for you.


We have been traveling for I think three days now. I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that it's nice to finally rest for a while.

Glorfindel was taking the first watch and Gimli was already fast asleep. I don't think dwarves are meant to run over very long distances.

I walked over to where Glorfindel was seated, and lowered myself next to him. I could tell his mind was on Legolas, he had seen him attack Boromir too.

He suddenly turned to me, sorrow in his eyes. "Do you think there is any chance, any chance at all that our Legolas is still in there?" he asked me.

"I do not know for certain," I said, "But we must always have hope. We should not despair for he would have our heads if we did." Glorfindel smiled at that, knowing all to well that it was the truth. Legolas hated when others worried about him, but honestly, it made us worry even more.

"I know that the only way that Legolas can be free is death, but there must be something else. Anything! I do not wish for him to die." glorfindel's voice was laced with sadness.

"None of us wish for his death. We will find another way. I know we will." I hope.

We spent the rest of the night in silence, enjoying the other's company. By dawn we had set off once again, though we didn't get far before we heard riders approaching.

I signalled for Glorfindel and Gimli to hide behind a nearby rock, and we watched as they passed by. They were Riders of Rohan. I stood up, calling for them, and they began to circle around.

They had us completely surrounded, spears pointing at us. One of the men approached us.

"What business does an Elf, a man, and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!"

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin and Glorfindel of Gondolion. We are friends of Rohan and of Theoden, your king." I responded.

"Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe. Not even his own kin." He took of his helmet and the spears were withdrawn. It continued with us talking, to when he gave us two horses to search for the hobbits.

Fear rose in me, there was a great possibility that they were dead. It pained me to think of that. By the time we reached where the Uruk-hai were burning, we didn't see any sign of them.

Gimli began searching through the carcasses, when he turned towards us, something in his hand.

"It's one of their wee belts." he said softly. Glorfindel muttered a prayer and I angrily kicked one of the Uruks helmets, a scream coming from within.

I fell to my knees and looked around. We failed them. Where did it all go wrong? Something caught my eye and I bent towards it.

"A hobbit lay here, and the other. They crawled" I said. Glorfindel and Gimli came behind me to look.

"Their hands were bound." I got up and started walking, finding a cut piece of rope. "Their bonds were cut. Quickly I followed their trail, not wanting to lose it.

"The tracks lead away from the battle..." I looked up towards the forest in front of me. "Fangorn. What madness drove them in there?" Gimli said. I couldn't help, but to agree.

 YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER! Hopefully tonight I will publish the next one which will be MUCH more interesting than this one was! :3 BTW this chapter is dedicated to SnitchEye12750! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!


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