Unexpected Visitor

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(Aragorn's POV)

 Gandalf said that the journey through Moria would take four days to reach the other side.

After Gandalf had figured out which way out of the three to go, we entered a large hallway with amazing pillars as far as you could see.

Gimli gave a sudden cry and started running into one of the rooms on the side. "GIMLI!" Gandalf cried and we all started to follow towards where the dwarf went.

When we entered the room, Gimli was bent over, crying on a tombstone. Gandalf walked up to his side and read over his shoulder what the tomb said; "'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' He is dead then. It's as I feared."

I noticed Glorfindel behind me, looking around as though there was some unknown danger lurking in the mines. He seemed a little on edge almost nervous, though I could hardly blame him. I went back to see what the others were doing.

Gandalf handed his staff and hat to Pippin, then bent down, picking up a book laying in the hands of a skeleton. He opened it up and read to us what was written inside:

"They have taken the bridge... and the second hall. We have barred the gates... but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums...drums... in the deep. We cannot get out... a shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out..."

At that moment a loud sound was heard over by the well where a skeleton had fallen into it. A guilty looking Pippin stood next to it, his eyes shut as the sound echoed throughout the mines.

When it finally died down, Gandalf walked over to him and scolded him in the process of taking back his staff and hat.

But it was to late. The sound of orcs marching could be heard, drawing ever nearer. we all looked towards the door as the ground shook beneath us.

"Orcs!" Glorfindel yelled. As if we didn't already know, I thought vaguely. Boromir rushed towards the door, only to jump back as an arrow pierced the gate.

"They have a cave troll." He said.

 Quickly, Boromir and I began to barr the door, with the assistance of Glorfindel. When we finished we stepped back, everyone tensing as the gates began to rattle.

"AARRGGHHH! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Gimli yelled, standing now on to of Balin's tomb.

The orcs begin to pund on the door. After a minute they begin to break through. Glorfindel shoots one through the break and I follow, killing another one. But then the ocrs broke through, pushing their way past one another to reach us. Glorfindel unsheathed his sword and so did I.

Everyone began to attack the orcs, killing any that got in our way or tried to attack someone else.

In the corner of my eye I saw Sam cornered by the troll. Boromir and I rushed up, grabbing the troll's chain and yanking him back before he could step on the hobbit. Sam quickly got up and ran in another direction and we were forced to let go of the chain.

After a much longer period of fighting, I noticed the troll swing its chain, trying to hit the elf. Glorfindel managed to duck, but failed when trying to balance on the chain that had wrapped around a nearby pillar.

If Legolas were here, he probably would have jumped on the troll's head.... ARGH! I have to stop thinking like that. He. Is. Gone. Accept it Aragorn. 

In a matter of moments, I heard someone yell "Strider" and turned to see who had called.

It was Frodo who was cornered by the troll. I quickly grabbed a spear off the floor and threw it at the creature, trying to distract it. He swung his arm at me and before I could react, everything went black.

It took a moment, but after willing myself, I was able to come back to consciousness, only to see Frodo stabbed by the troll.

With the strength I had left, I fought off the remaining orcs, while Glorfindel, Merry, and Pippin killed the troll. After everything was killed, I rushed over to where Frodo laid not moving. 

"Oh no!" I cried as I rolled him over. To mine and everyone else's surprise Frodo was clearly awake and looking at us all.

"I am alright, I'm not hurt." He finally said.

"You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar!" I said.

"I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye." Gandalf said as Frodo undid his shirt, revealing a mithril one beneath it. We all sighed in relief, but it was short lived as the sound of orcs coming could be heard.

"To the Bridge of Khazad-dum!" Gandalf said and we all jumped up, running out of the door.

We ran through the hallway aware that orcs were beginning to crawl down pillars, surrounding us.

We stood in a circle, our swords stretched out in front of us. But what approached us made me drop my sword.



I stood there, looking at my once best friend, though he clearly wasn't anymore.

His hair was now the color of snow, along with his skin and the left side of his face seemed as if it was melted, the bone showing through. His right eye was bright red though the left one solid black. He wore the garments of one who served the Dark Lord, with red intertwined.

Even though he was not how he used to be, he still had two long knives and a much grander bow than the one he had before.

He approached us, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Long time indeed it has been since I last saw you Aragorn." He said. "Though I must say, the pleasure is not mine."

"What madness is this Legolas?" Gandalf said. "How could you have been corrupted by Him? Do you not see that this is wrong?" I noticed that Glorfindel stood there, looking at the elf with sadness in his eyes.

Legolas laughed softly. "It is you who are wrong, Grey Wizard. This quest you are on is folly. There is no hope of succeeding. Hand over the Ring and I will let you all go. I wish not for this to become ugly."

"We will not give you the Ring, Legolas Thranduilion, we will die protecting it." Gandalf said.Legolas just shook his head and sighed.

"I wished not for it to come to this, but you leave me no choice." He then turned to Glorfindel. "I wonder if your Balrog Slayer is up for another fight..."

Okay, so if you were wondering, the scar on his face is the same one that Thranduil bears on his. I thought it would be interesting if it seemed as though it was passed down from father to son. I hope you guys liked my description of the "new" Legolas. It's what I envisioned him as looking in my mind.

ANYWAYS, can you guess what Legolas is talking about when he says "another fight"? I hope to get the next chapter up as soon as I can!


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