Battle For Gondor

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(Aragorn's POV)

We stood on the banks of the river, awaiting the Corsair ships to come by. An elf, dwarf, and man probably did not look so menacing to the mercenaries, but were they in for a surprise.

When the lead ship slowly came in front of us, it began.

"You may go no further." I said. The boson of the boat stood up, looking at us.

"You will not enter Gondor."

"Who are you to deny us passage?" he said.

"Glorfindel, fire a warning shot past the boson's ear."

"Mind your aim." Gimli added. Glorfindel notched an arrow in his bow. Just as he released it, GImli knocked the bottom of the bow, sending his aim off. The arrow hit a mercenary next to the boson, enraging him.

"Oh!" Gimli said. "That's it, right, we warned you! Prepare to be boarded!" The mercenaries laughed at us, not taking us seriously. Not a smart move by them.

"Boarded, by you and whose army?" the boson asked mockingly.

"This army." and the dead were off, killing everyone on all of the ships. We did warn them. It's not our fault they didn't listen. When the lead ship drew closer, we walked towards it to board.


We were hiding on the ships out of sight of anyone on land. Slowly, the ships reached the banks where the orcs were awaiting our arrival. They came to stop and the orcs approached us.

"Late as usual,pirate scum." said one of them. "There's knife work here needs doing. Come on you sea rats, get off your ships."

Glorfindel, Gimli, and I then jumped off, landing in front of them on the bank. The orcs stopped looking at us, shocked at what they were seeing. The three of us walked towards them and the army of the dead came behind. The battle has begun.

The ghosts took out most of the orcs,but there were stillplently for the three of us to fight through. I could imagine Legolas coming up with some ridiculous game where whoever had the most kills won. Actually, that sounds quite fun.

When the orcs were all dead, I ran over to the dwarf and elf, telling them about the game. They both nodded and were off running, leaving me behind. I took off after them, the three of us following the dead into the main battle.

Mumakil, horses, and men ran wild around the field, death at every turn. The ground was littered with their bodies, only to be stepped on by them once again.

The three of us formed a little circle, killing any enemy that came to close. A mumakil was a little distance away, coming closer to us every second. I turned to Glorfindel, wanting to ask him if he can kill it, but he was already in the midst of another battle with orcs.

When he finished it was already to late. The dead had killed the creature, leaving its body behind. I sighed and continued to fight. Legolas would have killed it easily. But I have to remember; Glorfindel isn't Legolas.

The remaining orcs that were near us were killed, leaving the fields a barren land covered in death. The dead were going through the city now, cleansing it of what enemies were left.

I waled over to where the dwarf and elf stood.

"What was your final count?" I asked.

"Sixty-five and proud of it." Gimli said, pride radiating from him.

"Sixty-five, not bad for a dwarf." the elf said, a smug smile growing. "I myself have sixty-eight."

I nodded my head. Those weren't bad scores. "Too bad, it seems that a human was able to beat you both. Seventy-two. Now, what do I win?" The two stood there glaring at me. If it could have happened, I would have four holes burning into my very soul at the moment.

"You know, Glorfindel," Gimli began, "I think this human here did indeed win."

"Oh yes, he did." Glorfindel said. "In fact, his prize should be very special, don't you agree."

"Hmm, yes, very much so." They both began towards me as I backed up.

"Friends, how about we forget all about this and carry on?" I asked pleadingly.

"Sorry, but we cannot do that." And they charged. Literally charged at me. I ran as fast as I could, not wanting to be caught in their plans.

It wasn't long until the elf had caught up to me. He tackled me to the ground, making me face-plant into the dirt. While Glorfindel held me in place, I felt something heavy placed on my back. It was that damned dwarf.

It continued like that for a while. I laid in the dirt while the dwarf sat on my back and the elf kept watch. Repeatedly I tried to make them see reason, but theyy wouldn't budge. There's an important lesson for you to learn: Never beat an elf and a dwarf in a game, they get pissed off easily.

About an hour later later (no joke there), I was saved.

A soldier came running over (from what I heard and felt) and told the elf I was needed. Thankfully, Gimli got up off my back, letting me breathe easier again. Sitting up, my back screamed at me. It took me a good two minutes before I managed to stand and walk away, following the guard.

One battle was over, now the final one would soon begin. Hopefully, the two hobbits would reach Mount Doom and end it before it began. One can only hope.

One chapter down, two to go before I am on vacation and can't post. Next chapter will be about same length and then we get to the fun one.... or maybe it's not fun? You'll have to wait and see for yourselves, though I think I already know the answer.

In the mean time, I added a little bit of fun to this one so I hope you enjoyed!


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