Talks of a Lost Friend

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(Aragorn's POV)

As we exited Moria, I could still Legolas' laugh, echoing in my head. I couldn't grasp how much he had changed. Where had that kind-hearted prince that I knew gone?

Once we were a safe distance away from the mines, the hobbits collapsed onto the ground, crying at the loss of one so dear to us all. Boromir was holding back a swearing Gimli who wanted to return to the mines and Glorfindel stood there, looking out into the vastness before us.

It was evident that he was filled with sadness and wished that he had fallen, not Gandalf.

I took one last look before deciding that we must move on.

"Glorfindel, get them up." I said. Glorfindel started to move towards the hobbits.

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir exclaimed. I shook my head.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir, Glorfindel, Gimli, get them up."

When the hobbits had all risen, we began to head for Lothlorien. I lost track of time as we walked, for my head was somewhere else, thinking of the things that had occurred moments before.

It wasn't until we reached the edge of the woods that I realized that Glorfindel was speaking to me.

 "Aragorn," he said, "We must be wary. They will not be expecting us so we have to be careful as we walk through. Not to mention that the orcs will most likely be following us as we speak."

I nodded in agreement and we proceeded forward.

We continued to walk until dusk fell, deciding to camp for the night. After our meal, everyone went to sleep, but I had volunteered to take the first watch.

I sat there thinking, oblivious to everything around me. When I felt a light touch on my arm I jumped, and looked to see what had disturbed me in my train of thought.

It was Frodo, and he was looking at me solemnly. I felt as though he knew what was going through my head. He settled down next to me and we sat there for a few minutes before he finally spoke.

"You were friends with him, weren't you?" He asked. I knew instantly he meant Legolas and I nodded, but not before I realized he said were.

"We have... had been friends my entire life." I amended. "I met him when I was three and had been close to him ever since. We were gwadors, blood brothers. No matter what we always protected each others back."

"I thought so. When he approached us you dropped your sword as if you were seeing a ghost, but I then realized that he was more than a ghost, but a friend." He looked at me, a sad look in his eyes.

I sighed before I spoke. "It's funny to me in a way how he was the one who had something horrible happen ton him. We always joked that I would be the one, not him."

We sat there for a few moments, neither speaking, but Frodo then asked me something that I wasn't expecting him to, though in a way, it was to help.

"He seems as though he was a kind person before. What  was he like? You'd probably feel better if you let some of your pain out." He said the last part more quietly than the rest.

I swallowed before I spoke, fighting back the emotion that threatened to spill out.

"Legolas was the kindest person I knew. He put others lives before his own, risking himself in order to protect those around him. He always watched out for me though I think it was needed. No matter where the two of us went we always became injured and had to mended. Although, one time it was his fault, not mine and I swear I never meant to follow him..."


"Legolas!" I called out. "This is one of your worst ideas yet! Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Where is your sense of adventure, Estel?" The blonde elf called back. He was ahead of me, walking along a log that crossed above a raging river.

"My sense of adventure is at home where elves are not filled with stupidity!" I yelled back. I was infuriated with him, but a part of me wanted to follow him even if it would most likely end up with me injured.

Legolas had made it halfway across, and was gesturing for me to follow him. I swore underneath my breath and took a step onto the log. Placing one foot in front of the other I slowly made my way towards him.

But on my next step my foot slipped. I began to fall but grabbed the log before I was lost in the water below. I heard Legolas call my name, but I lost my grip, falling into the raging water.

I hit the water hard, losing my breath on impact. Good job, I thought smugly. I don't know how long I was under, but I felt something pulling me up. When we broke through the surface, I was dragged onto land, the entire time coughing up water.

"I am so sorry Estel. I should never had made you go onto that log." I heard a voice filled with regret speaking to me. When I finished coughing I looked up to see a remorseful Legolas looking down at me.

I smiled up at him, a thought entering my mind. "What will Elladan and Elrohir say when they find out about this..."

End of Flashback

I laughed at looked at the puzzled hobbit staring at me.

"Legolas and I got into a lot of trouble but we were always there to save the other." I said. A grim expression crossed onto my face. "Although, this time I fear that I will not be able to save him."

Frodo turned away and began to rise, but stopped and looked at me again.

"In the end, Aragorn, I believe that you will be able to save him, no matter the sacrifice." And with that he headed back to his bedroll.

For the rest of the night and thought about what Frodo had said. I looked up at the stars and made a promise to myself, one that I would keep.

I will free you Legolas. No matter what I must do, you will be free from Sauron's curse. I swear this to you. And with that, I fell asleep, a weight lifted from my heart.

As promised I have another chapter up. I hope you liked this one a little. I'm not sure when my next update will be but hopefully it will be relevently soon!

~Zelinith :)

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