Chapter 9: Sexy Suds Car Wash

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I laughed as Jenna questioned, "Haven't you called him?"

"Nope. Not going to either," Elena spat, clearly frustrated.

"And you're ok with everything?" Jenna inquired with worry.

"No, I'm not ok with any of it. But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Honestly, I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy," Elena admitted and my eyes widened a little in fear as I watched Elena take a bite of her cereal in an angry manner.

"Ok, then," Jenna said not knowing what else to say.

I poured myself some cereal and began to eat as we finished our conversation.

"I'll be fine," Elena bitterly murmured as she loudly crunched on her cereal.


When Elena and I got to school we immediately found Bonnie and chatted near our lockers, waiting for our first class to start. As we were chatting we spotted Caroline walking down the hall, talking to someone. She was acting as if everything was fine and nothing happened at the founders party.

"Unbelievable. It's like nothing happened," Elena commented, thinking the same thing as me.

"She's in denial," Bonnie responded.

"It's so odd how she can just keep on going...I'd be a mess," I admitted softly.

"Hey," Stefan spoke, approaching us.

"Hey. You know, I gotta go...Be somewhere right now," Bonnie spoke before rushing to get away from Stefan. And I thought they were getting better.

"I'm so sorry I haven't called," Stefan apologized.

"No worries. I'll live," Elena said in monotone. She stared at him as if she didn't care about his presence.

"I was dealing with Damon," Stefan explained, confused by her coldness. He glanced over at me as if he could get some kind of indication as to why Elena was being cold toward him. I just stared at him blankly. I wasn't planning on telling him anything.

"And did with Damon?" Elena rudely asked.

"Yes. Yeah," Stefan confirmed, slightly saddened by Elena's attitude toward him. I felt so uncomfortable by this situation. I wish I had left with Bonnie.

"For four days?" Elena said in disbelief.

"You have every right to be upset with me. But can I explain it all to you? Please," Stefan begged.

At that point I tuned out their conversation and thought about what had happened at the founders party. I still couldn't believe what Damon had done to Caroline.

"Stefan, where is Damon? He has some serious apologizing to do," Caroline spoke, breaking me out of my thoughts. I guess she decided to come over and join the already tense conversation.

"He's gone, Caroline," Stefan spoke somewhat nervously.

"When is he coming back?" Caroline asked. She sounded almost worried...Even after everything Damon did to her it seemed like she still had feelings for him. That girl needed to sort herself out. Then again, I wasn't one to talk. I was utterly ashamed of myself because I wanted to see Damon as well.

"He's not coming back. I'm sorry," Stefan apologized before leaving.

"This is a good thing, Caroline," I finally spoke, giving her a comforting pat on the shoulder. I was trying to convince myself more than Caroline. Elena nodded in agreement with what I said, oblivious to my internal conflict.

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