Chapter 3: Visiting Vicki

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The next day I woke up extra early to the sound of my phone pinging. I had received a text from Jeremy. He asked me to drive him to the hospital to see Vicki. In a way, I was thankful. I didn't want to go there by myself for the sole reason that I hated hospitals.

As soon as we walked through the doors, sadness washed over me. Many people spend their last few minutes on earth at hospitals and I hoped that Vicki wouldn't be one of those people.

We snuck past the front desk because we knew they'd turn us away. We weren't biologically her family and visiting hours weren't until 9:00.

As we walked in I noticed that Vicki must've been asleep. Her back was facing towards the door and the rays of day shined upon the hospital bed she occupied. Various tubes that were on her arms connected to monitors, one of which emitted a soft heartbeat.

Jeremy hesitated to walk into the room, almost as if there was a barrier and instead he leaned against the doorframe. I gave him a reassuring hug because it looked like he was going to cry. As I broke away from the hug a nurse walked in.

"You two can't be in here. Visiting hours don't start till 9:00," the nurse scolded Jeremy and I. She then walked to one of the monitors and started tapping on buttons.

"I is she?" Jeremy asked Worriedly.

"She's lost a lot of blood," The nurse replied meekly, turning toward us.

"She's going to be okay, right?" I asked. That was all I cared about. I just needed to know if she was going to be okay.

"She needs her rest. So you two come back later. Come on," The nurse said as she gently guided us out of Vicki's room.

Jeremy hesitated so I said, "C'mon Jeremy, she said we could come back later." Thankfully, he listened and we left.

I ultimately drove him to school and he thanked me before we parted ways to head to our classes.


In history all I could see was Stefan and Elena staring at each other as Mr. Tanner lectured. I had to admit, they looked cute so I was rooting for them. I guess Mr. Tanner noticed them gawking at each other and felt the need to address it to the class, "Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?"

They immediately stopped gazing at each other just as the bell rang.

I walked with Elena out of class and Stefan caught up with us, "I brought it. Told you," he spoke. Brought what? I guess he noticed how confused I was because he pulled out a book and handed it to Elena.

"Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell. You know, I can't believe she didn't use her real name," Elena commented clearly thrilled by the fact that Stefan gave her the book. Another guy that seemed old fashioned.

"I need to get me a guy that'll give me old books," I mumbled to myself, strangely enough Stefan heard and had some kind of grin on his face. It was the type of grin you have when you think of an inside joke.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I awkwardly commented before walking away. I most likely had a beet red face from blushing. I tried to hide it by staring at the ground as I walked.


As I got outside I saw Jeremy heading towards Tyler. Ironically Ander was with Tyler and two girls I didn't know. By the looks of it, this isn't going to end well.

I jogged to catch up to Jeremy to try and stop things from happening but the fat was already in the fire.

"Hey, Tyler. Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt. I was just wondering how Vicki's doing, since you guys are so close. Is she ok?" Jeremy jabbed, clearly mad as he got in Tyler's face.

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