Chapter 19

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{Cher Kim Ramos' POV}

I peeked outside our classroom's door and glanced to the left and the right. Good. The coast is clear. I quickly dashed outside and went straight to my locker. I have to be quick before I'll get caught! I can't stand this anymore! It's a great thing that I'm already graduating from this crappy school.

I shoved all the things I don't need inside my locker and pulled out those things that I do need for my next class. I was about to close my locker when someone suddenly laid their hands on my shoulders. "Kya!" I yelped while dropping my books.

"Hey!" he greeted while picking my books up. "Did I startle you...again?" He smirked. "I'm sorry."

I grabbed my books from his hands and glared at him. "What is up with you dude?! Will you stop doing that?!" I muttered.

"Stop doing what?" He grinned. "Sneaking up on you?"

"No! Flirting," I rolled my eyes. "Stop flirting with me Dylan! It's actually getting pretty obvious to everyone. And it's freakin' me out!"

"W-What do you mean by fl--"

"OOOH SHUT UP! You obviously have a crush on me," I said. "Just stop doing those moves. It's embarrassing!" And then I walked away again determined to get away from this guy! God! He seriously thinks he could get me?! Tch. In his dreams!

"Hey hey hey! Hold up!" Dylan grabbed my arm and made me face him. "Let's make this thing clear. I am not flirting with you. I just want to be your friend."


I chuckled. "Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ye--OKAY FINE...maybe I am," he replied. " you coffee sometimes?"

"Sure, I love coffee," I said. "But I prefer drinking them alone? Does that answer your question?" 

"Dang girl. Why you gotta be so hard on me?" He brushed his hair off his eyes.

"I don't play with little kids sweetie~"

"Wow. You're as bitchy as Amelia =__=" He said. "Okay fine. Don't have coffee with me. Madali lang naman akong kausap."

"We're good then," sagot ko. "Bye~ May klase pa ako."

"Wait," he grabbed my arm again.

I sighed and rolled my eyes again. "Ugh. What now?"

"How about a movie?" He smiled.

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