Chapter 17

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{Amelia Mae Andrada's POV}


 "You did what?!" Dylan yelled.

"Why?! You're the one who told me to fight for the one I fuckin' love!" I tried NOT to puke after I said that.

"I know! I know! But I didn't mean it like that!" He blurted. "Couldn't you have just waited after the play?!"


"Errr...let me think...NOOO? Duh!" I crossed my arms. "I won't let my best friend kiss Lance! I'm the dude's first kiss! I'm not going to let him run off kissing another pair of lips!"

He sat right beside me while massaging his temples. "Ugh. You're giving me a headache Mia," he whined. "This is going to be a disaster."

"Relax dude," I patted his back harshly and he wailed.

"Emily's my fuckin' friend," he muttered. "I don't want to see her cry...and besides I was the one who gave her the idea to get close to Lance and now it looks like I'm helping you."

"I know right?! Isn't it awesome?" I chuckled. "And, no offense...but...your friend's a bitch."

"That bitch is also your best friend Mia," he used my nickname again. Ugh. I hate it.

"She's not acting like my best friend," I said. "I don't think we were even best friends...and she was the one who said that, not me."

"Sucks for you," he cackled and I thwacked his head. "Ow! Quit hurting me will you?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Psh. Your pain is not that big of a deal Dylan," I glared at him. "What you did to me was far much worse. It still hurts." He just smirked and gave me a hug, the kind that was friendly.

"Yeah I know Mia. I was such a dick," he whispered. "I'm so so sorry."

"That doesn't change the fact that you're still a huge jeeeerk~" I smiled mockingly. 

"You learned from the best right?" He winked and I punched his arm lightly.

"Asshole." We talked about lots of things for a little while when I decided that I need to go and talk to Lance before Emily says something first. "Anyways, I have to go," I said. "I still have to do something..." I stood up and started to walk away.

"Hey Mia," he called out and I glanced back at him. "Don't cause any trouble, alright?" I giggled and rolled my eyes. "And by the way....I really am sorry about before."

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