Chapter 26

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Melissa's POV

Casey's words was stuck in my mind was she really right, did I only hate my brother because he lied to me all my life. I knew I was mad at him for making me believe he was dead, yet I also knew it wasn't his fault. Could I really stay mad at him for something out of our control, should I make it up to him as well as lost time.

Arrrrggggh my head was even more messed up than before, Casey's words going round and round in my mind. What should I do, make it up to him or leave things as there are.

"I'm surprised your heads not exploded with all that thinking your doing" Harry says coming up behind me and hugging me to his chest.

"I know, I just can't help but think I over reacted" I say while placing my head on his shoulder as his arms are around me.

"Do you wanna live the rest of your life knowing your brother is out there, knowing that you could of put things right again. Or do you wanna live your life with your brother in it, and make up for the lost time" Harry says softly as he kisses my neck and send shivers down throughout my body.

"I guess your right, I know now what I have to do" I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him close to myself.

"Then go do what you have to, I can't stand to see you like this" he gives me one last kiss before leaving me.

I walk to Harry's office going to find just what I needed, even though I was kinda of nervous, I knew that I had to do this. Not just for me but also for my brother, we both needed that peace of mind.

"Luke, Harry's office now" I say in the mind link. I take a sit in Harry chair as I wait for Luke, within minutes I hear a knock and the door opens.

"Luna, you asked for me" he says standing in front of myself.

"Yes, I would like the king of vampires number please" he looks at me confused as to why I would want the number.

"I am sorry Luna but I do not have his number, although I do know your brother by heart" bingo that will be even better.

"Very well, then please do write it down" I watch as he writes down my brothers number before giving me the piece of paper.

"That will be all thank you" with that Luke leaves the office and I'm left to my own thoughts again.

For the last few hours I've been sitting in Harry's office, doing nothing but playing with the paper in my hand. Thinking of I should or shouldn't give my brother a ring, why was it so hard just to make my mind up.

"Ring him Mel, his our brother doesn't matter if we only half. We love him just as much" my wolf says to myself.

"Fine" I say huffing to myself, stupid wolf, stupid brother.

I dial my brothers number hoping and praying that he doesn't answer. I didn't know what I was going to say, I don't think I can find words to say how sorry I am. What will he say after I told him to leave me alone, will he accept my apology.

"Hello, prince Daniel speaking" I hear him say.

"Hey" I say not knowing what else to say.

"Who is this?"

"I'm sorry" was all I could say

"Is Is that you Melissa" he asked like he was shocked to hear my voice.


"Oh Melissa, I'm so glad to hear your voice, I understand why you said what you did. It's me who's sorry" he says

"No Daniel I over reacted, all I ever wanted was just to have my brother. I was just in shock at finding out that you was still alive, I didn't know what to think" I say with tears in my eyes, I really had missed having my brother around. Thinking he was dead never made it easy, yet now knowing his alive only made me want him around.

After my conversations with my brother, my mind was at easy again. I was glad to have him back in my life, even though we both agreed we would take it step at time. I felt much happier with in myself and I knew with in time Daniel and I will have our bond back.

For the rest of the evening I sat with some of the pack members in the cinemas room, we was all watching movies and having fun. At one point I don't think we could stop laughing, Harry had come in and ended up slipping over his own two feet, all the while throwing popcorn all over the place. We all ending up having a popcorn fight and throwing at each other, by the end of the night the place was a complete mess.

The last thing I remember was fallen asleep watching some chick flick movie,  then feeling someone carrying me up the stairs. From the sparks I knew it was Harry, he placed me on our bed pulling the covers over myself. As his arms pull me into his chest, the darkness pulls me back under and into a dreamless night.

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