Chapter 19

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Melissa's POV

After we had found the girls and our trackers brought them back, said and I made my way to integrate the rogue down in the cells. I left Harry to deal with the alphas and making a plan to take them all down, I wanted to do it all myself but I also couldn't take the risk. Not everyone knows my true identity, only Harry knows who I really am and I couldn't let it get out, not just yet anyways.

Entering the cell the rogue was in, I noticed my guards had tied him to a chair in the middle of the room, they had made sure to weaken him with silver chains and from the smell of his blood wolfsbane. I smiled to myself knowing my pack was doing whatever it took to keep they Luna safe, they themselves only knew of my powers but not who I am.

As I watch the rogue, I can tell his eyes are on me and his watching my every move, I knew he wants to say something as I can read his mind, yet I watch him patiently and wait for him to speak. The wolfsbane is making him weaker by the minute, his wolf slowing slipping away into a coma.

"What do want" he snares at me which only makes me smile.

"I think you know what I want, so why don't you tell me" I smiled sweetly at home, placing my hand under my chin with a finger on my lip.

"What's wrong alpha can't do his own dirty work, so he send the pathetic excuse as a beta" he laughs to himself, thinking his words would get to me, yet with a click of my fingers a made him feel like someone was choking him.

"Now you are going to give me the answers I want or I will make your death slow and painful as possible" I say letting my hold go from around his neck. His gasps for air while coughing at the same time, I pull a chair up from across the room sitting in front of him.

"Now what is your boss planning" I ask him.

"I don't know, all we was told was to take the girls" I could see the lies in his eyes. I try reach into his mind looking for what I wanted, that when I got the answer I needed.

"Your words speak lies, yet your mind shows truth, I know what his planning and it won't work. I will kill him before he even touches a hair on my body" I was beyond anger, my wolf wanted blood for what we had seen, she wanted the head of the one who dare think he can touch us.

Walking out the cell I make my way towards Harry and the other alphas, ready to tell them what I had foreseen in the mind of the rogue. Yet that's when I heard what they was talking about,me, they all doubted what I was capable of doing. That was the last screw I couldn't take anymore, so when I walked in letting it all out.

"Because I'm the moon goddess daughter, thats why. My father was the beta of Dark moon pack, my mother was the moon goddess, I was born to protect all packs from evil, I was born to make this place a better one for our kind."

"How is this possible" I heard one of the alpha say.

"Do I have to show"

"Please enlighten us"

After hearing them words I let the changes in my body take over, I felt electricity run through my body, I could feel the glow coming from around me, my eye turned white with a glow in them, my hair turned even whiter as it glowed, my clothes changed to a white dress and my wing spread out from my back. My whole body glow and all around me glow even whiter than myself.

I watched all the alphas stand and bow before me, one hand across they chest with the heads down, it was they way of showing me respect and submission for not believing in me. Harry stood they looking at me with pride in his eyes, as he had the first time he ever set eyes on me.

"Stand my brothers" I say while still in my mothers form, I was the daughter of the moon goddess and the daughter of a beta. My job was to bring peace to our kind, I may have had a rough start in finding out who I am, but now I know who I truly am, I will make my mother and father proud to have a daughter like myself.

I let myself changed back into my normal form and take my place by Harry's side, the alphas take they seats again and look towards Harry and myself.

"So what did you find out" Harry asked me"

"What I found out is not pretty, they are taking the girls to find the daughter of the moon goddess, the leader is unknown but what he wants with me is not for good, that is why the rogue are killing pack members" I could see each alpha fighting with the wolfs at wanting to rip the rogue apart but most of all hatred towards myself. If it wasn't for me been born we wouldn't be in this situation, our pack members would be safe, we all would be safe.

"So what do you suggest we do"

"We will think of a plan, yet I must tell you this is only the beginning, the rogues are not all we are up against, what I have foreseen in the eyes of our prisoner isn't pretty"

"Mel what do you mean"

"There is 3 groups of people joining together as one, the rogues and vampires are coming together with the hunters, there is hundreds of them. We need to take down the small groups which we know of so far and we need to work fast" I stop talking for a few seconds listening to my wolf rant on about something or other that's when I let her take over my body.

"They are all coming we have one week to be ready, we need the best of the best. I will need you my mate by my side, I will need you energy to help me kill them all in groups be ready alphas" with her words I feel her give me back control and slip to the back of my mind again. Her words keep repeating in my mind what did she mean by using our mates energy.

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