Chapter 8

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Melissa POV

"Well, well, well if it isn't Melissa Jones herself" I turn around to see Brooklyn standing there wearing a dress that showed her arse and her boobs hung out, always the packs slut.

"What do want Brook" she smiled a sweet plastic fake arse smile while she looked at her nails, like their was the best thing on earth.

"You put on a good show back then"

"If all your here to do is annoy me then get out of my face" God this girl was always up in everyone's business, she was also one of the people who abused me. I will not stand back and let that happen this time round.

"What you think coming here with the council, taking the alphas title makes you something your not. Please you will always be that weak pathetic girl, who ran away. Call yourself a betas daughter, you make me laugh" oh hell no this girl just didn't go there. As quickly as lightning I grab her by the throat, pinning her to the wall as I tightened my grip on her neck.

"Let this be a warning from here on out, I will never by that same girl. Come with 5 feet of me ever again and I will end your little pathetic life" I snare at her before dropping her to the ground, my wolf pissed at the disrespect already for a slut like Brooklyn.

As I make my way to Connors office which was now going to be my own, I open the door to see Connor and James sitting at his desk. The look in Connors eyes said many things, he was angry, sad, hurt and mostly there was a look of wanting. I just couldn't bring myself to just accept him as my mate, not after everything he put me through. Even with what I am doing to him and the pack, I still couldn't forgive him so easily.

Connor must of mind link James to leave as I am about to close the door he stops me and walks out leaving just me and Connor alone. Walking over to the file cabinet I try to ignore the looks Connor is giving me, I didn't want to face been questioned not just yet. I had to make them all feel how I once did, they needed to know it was not accepted what they did.

"Why?" I heard Connor ask bringing me out my thoughts as I search the pack files looking for what I wanted.

"Why?, what" I snapped out.

"Why do all this, what are you gaining. After 3 years you come back here with the council, you tell them all what happened. I understand we hurt you and all you want is justice for what we did but why all this" I knew by his voice he still didn't understand, he was just pissed that he had to step down and he wasn't getting away with his actions.

I ignore what he had just said and continued looking for what I wanted, until I heard a crash within the room making me jump a little, turning round I saw Connor had thrown everything off his desk. Grown arse men having tantrums real mutual, why do men spit their dummy's out when they can't have what they want.

"Watch who your talking to after all you are no longer the alpha of the pack, until the council see fit. You think all that I am doing is all that I can do, well you are wrong. You maybe my mate but don't make me do something I won't regret" I snare at him.

"You know what do you worse, you have already disrespected me in front of my pack, you have taking my title and what's more I've to be whipped for my wrong doing so what more can you do" well I guess he thinks I can't do more we will just see about that.

Clearing my mind of all my thoughts I picture Connor been glued to the spot, him struggling to breath as the air around him become little to none. I watch as he turns red in the faces before I let him go, I throw a fire ball just missing him by a inch.

"That is what more I can do, mate or not Connor I will make your life hell. Just like you made my own for months until a ran away, You think I will accept you all because of a mate bond, well news flash I will never accept you." I knew I had scared him but I didn't care, my wolf snow was pisses at me for using our powers on our mate. In my mind he wasn't our mate, he was nothing to me.

I know what your all thinking, how can she do that to her mate or ain't mates meant to be your soulmate. Well let me tell you all something, no mate pull or whatever you want to call it will make me be with a man who hurt me once. No I am stronger than just to fall in the hands of someone who once caused me pain, I don't care what some moon goddess thinks. The only reason I haven't rejected his arse yet, is because of the pain it causes not only for him but for myself as well. That is something I don't want well I am here, the pain will be much worse than when we are apart.

All I want to do is get my justice by watching them all been punished for the sins of act on myself, then once Connor as proven himself hand back his title. Once all that is done I will reject him and move on with my life or so I hope.

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