Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

Once the war was over and Connor was dead, I asked my pack to help dark moon clear the area and burn the bodies of the dead. I was more than proud of Melissa for everything she has done and gone through, she was stronger than most females I have ever met. The day my mother and father found Melissa, she was nothing but a broken girl, with the help of my father and myself she become stronger. I couldn't believe a pack would do that to their own specially someone who's blood line was of the second in command.

From the moment I met Melissa my wolf and I knew she was special, we always had a soft spot for her and would hurt anyone who dare say a nasty word to her. If I'm honest I fell in love with Melissa each day, seeing her go from a broken girl to a strong independent young woman. Melissa also turned to me for advice and when she told me about revenge on dark moon I knew just what I had to do to help her. Her going to the council was just a front, we wanted them to think that was only her plan of revenge.

Now that we attacked them and Melissa killed Connor, she is going to be their alpha female. I knew that killing Connor was hurting her as he was her mate, yet she promised herself that she would not let a mate bond stop her and she sure stayed true to her word. I hope that the moon goddess blesses her with another mate, she deserves all the happiness she gets.

God if only I could be her second chance mate, that way I would have her in my life forever. She means the world to me and my wolf, some even thought that we would end up mates because of how close we was over the years of knowing each other. We would do everything and anything together, when we would play fight some would say we was like a married couple. That alone made me laugh more than ever, yet it was true we would fight like we had been together for years.

Bringing myself out my thoughts I make my way to find Melissa, when I do find her she is sat next to 3 gravestone, I knew then that these was her family's graves.

"Hey you alright Mel" she turns round as tears roll down her face, it breaks my heart seeing her like this.

"I miss them so much Harry, I just wish I could of done something, anything to stop that day from happening. Each day I think of what I could of changes and done differently, yet each time coming up with nothing." I bring her into my arms hugging her and giving her some sort of comfort.

"It's not your fault Mel, we have been over this. They would be so proud of who you are today, you have to remember the day times." I say softly into her ear as she nods against my chest.

I loved having Melissa in my arms, it felt like home and all I wanted to do was protect her and keep her safe from harms ways. I knew she could look after herself but I wanted to be her protector, she knight in shining armour. The one she comes to when she as a problem, the one she cries on when she needs to.

"Harry I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me, I don't think I could of done this without you. I know my father would of liked you just as much as I do" I smiled at her knowing it's not often Mel would open her heart up unless she felt really down or just wanted a heart to heart. She was known for keeping everything inside her and dealing with it all herself.

"Always Mel, always" I place my hand on her cheek when I felt a bolt of electricity run through my hand, Mel must of felt the same as she gave me a shocked look before a smile makes it's way on her face.

"You know what this means right" she asked.

"Yep and I couldn't ask for anyone better than yourself" I tell her the truth.

"Your so cheesy, you know that" I bust out laughing, I couldn't help it. I was over the moon with this new finding and would be sure to treasure her each and every day until the day we die.

That's right you guessed it Mel was my mate and I was her mate, I didn't care that I was her second chance mate, in my eyes I was her first and I was going to be her last. Her first mate hurt her and caused nothing but pain, I on the other hand would cherish and love her until death do us a part.

"I love you Mel" I say looking in her eyes.

"I love you Harry" with that she brings her lips to my own, we kiss each other with so much passion and love. I didn't want to stop kissing her so when she pulled away I kissed her along the jaw line and down her neck, sucking and licking until I found her sweet spot. After a few minutes of sucking and licking at her sweet spot I kiss my way back up to her lips before pecking her on the lips.

"Come it's getting late and there is still lots to do" I say picking her up and carrying her back towards the pack house.

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