Chapter 23

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Third person POV

I never thought that it would all come to this, I could sense the power coming off in waves. I only planned to capture her and have her know the truth behind it all, why her parents was killed, why her pack turned against her once she was all only.

The war between the vampires, rogues and hunters against the packs was to track her down and bring her to myself. All I ever wanted was to tell her truth, she had to know. I knew for years now she as blamed herself, never once thinking that it was someone else fault.

What will she think when she find out the truth, would she feel hurt and betrayed. I had know idea how she would feel but it was time for the truth to come out, it was time she find out the real reason behind the war and everything else.

"It is time you spoke with her" the king of vampires says as he enters his office.

"What will I say to her" I asked him

"The truth, she needs to know Daniel"

"What if she wants nothing to do with me" that thought along killed me deep down, the king puts a hand on my shoulder, letting me know it will all work out in the end and all will be fine.

As I walk towards the room she is staying in, I felt nervous now more than anything. I knew I had to do this not just for her but for myself as well. It's been near three long years and not once as she knew the truth behind it all.

Opening the door to her room, I see her sitting on the bed with her head on her knees, it was like she was crying quietly to herself. As I close the door behind me she turns her head toward myself, I watch as she bring her hand to her mouth and her eye widen in shock at seeing me standing here in front of her.

"I-is it real you?"she asks as all I could do was nod my head yes.

"How" i see tears roll down her face as she looks at me.

"That doesn't matter right now, just know I'm here" she running into my arms wrapping herself around me,crying just like she used to do when we was younger.

"Mel, I need to tell you a few things but I need to know that whatever I tell you, that you we not hate me" I say as I hold her face in my hands,looking her in the eyes.

"How could I ever hate you, I love you with all my heart, doesn't matter what you say I would never hate" I walk her over to the bed as I ready myself to tell her what I needed to tell her.

I put my head in my hands and sigh to myself at not knowing where to begin, how could I tell her she was still just a baby to me, even if she is 18 nearly 19.

"First of all I need you to know what you should of known from day one, Mel Your father isn't my father, our mother met my father in high school. She knew what he was but still dated him, she fall pregnant with myself but wouldn't give me up. She moved to the pack we grow up in, that's when she met her mate also known as your father. He was the beta of the pack so he knew straight away that I wasn't like the rest of you."  I could see she was taken it all in not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say.

"The night that your father and our mother was killed, it was because they came for me. My father found out where we was and wanted his son home where I belonged, the pack knew all about what I was but didn't dare say a word as mother was the beta female." I saw as more tears rolled down her face, all these years she thought I was dead along with our mother and her father.

"What are you" I didn't answer, I couldn't I just looked away from her wanting to be far away from here, be anywhere but here telling her what she needs to know.

"ANSWER ME" she shouts out, I hold myself back before turning to face her.

"What am you want to know fine, I'm half vampire and half werewolf, my father is the king of vampires" I say looking down at the floor as I can't stand to see her cry.

"All these years I thought you was dead, thinking that my parents death was all my fault but yet here you are alive and the death of my parents on your hands. The pack abused me daily all because of you, if you wasn't born this wouldn't of happened, I hate you, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU" she say as she falls to the floor crying harder than before. I have never seen her break down like this before, as i try to walk towards her, she uses her powers and throws me across the room.

"Just leave me alone" she says.

I walk out the room leaving her alone, wondering if all of this was worth telling her the truth, was it worth starting a war to just bring her to me. Should I have left it all in the past and let her live her life without knowing I was alive and well. She had no other family but myself left, could she really hate me for the rest of our life's.

"She's hating right now give her time" Sara my mate says as I enter my own bedroom, I known she heard it all and sensed my emotions as she could read minds of others.

"My father needs to send her back home, that's the only way she will come round" I say while laying down on my back looking up at the ceiling.

"Then ask him to do so, the war as been called off she will be safe" I knew she was right and the only way I could make it all up to her was to let her go and live her life again.

After all I am the kings son, prince of all vampires but to her I was as good as dead.

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